Use The Z-Press To Top Off Any Workout For Shredded Abs?

A simple but effective exercise to build the shredded core muscles

Summer is right around the corner, so having your body ready for the season is absolutely crucial. You can use all the fat burners that you want and diet down, but if you do not have the muscle mass in key areas such as the shoulders and the core, then you will not be showing too much off. Let’s get down to the meat and potatoes of this thing. The Z-press is simply an overhead barbell press while sitting on the floor, get it? What’s a little more intricate is the plethora of benefits that can be deemed by this seemingly simple process, but it also hits just about the entire upper body, making it a great muscle building exercise.

By taking your lower body out of the picture this exercise builds muscle in and strengthens your shoulders lats and chest for future workouts…oh, and it also gets your abs absolutely SHREDDED!

How to Do the Z-Press

Let’s take a look at how to do the Z-Press, according to Bobby Maximus, in a video courtesy of Men’s Health. When it comes to this exercise, Maximus is a big advocate of the ten minute test. This is simply experimenting with how many reps you can do in a ten minute time period. Maximus says to aim for 100, but his personal best is 240 (show off). What’s great is that you can alternate speeds doing the first 20 at max speed and then slowing down the pace, or vice versa. If you want you can even use them as book ends (5 minutes at the beginning of a workout and 5 minutes at the end) to a full day of lifting. Results include improved shoulder mobility, hip strength, better form, and pack on muscle…oh, and shredded abs…Did we mention SHREDDED ABS? It is crazy that a barbell overhead exercise builds the abs, but the Z-press really sculpts that six pack.

What Muscles are Worked in the Z-Press?

Make no mistake about it, the Z-press will kick your posterior, but all in the name of greater gains. The Z-press also works the following muscles:

  • Lats
  • Chest
  • Core
  • Shoulders

Keep in mind that although the Z-press activates all of those muscles, it still primarily hits the delts and core. Now, we are not saying that this is an exercise you should be doing as part of your main routine on each one of those days, but it helps to throw it in every few days and just build the strength.

How Much Volume and Intensity Should I Apply?

Now when it comes to the volume and intensity aspects of the Z-press, you do not need to be aiming for crazy one rep maxes and being as strong as possible. It is an exercise that can be done with just the bar, or lighter weight, but you really want to focus on form.

The Best Fat Burner for Really Getting Shredded

While we say to do the Z-press to really get shredded, you won’t be “shredded” until you shed that unwanted body fat. That being said, we understand that diet and cardio only go so far, so a supplement such as a fat burner can be very beneficial.

When your diet or fasted cardio begin to feel like chores, this uniquely explosive thermogenic will kick your ass into overdrive.

When it comes to finding a great fat burner to truly get shredded, your search can stop as soon as you land on MUTANT KILL SWITCH. It includes all of the ingredients you will find in a good, natural fat burner, plus more, making it an easy choice to pick. From caffeine and green tea extract to vitamin b12, KILL SWITCH is a fat burning supplement that can go great with your routine when trying to get shredded.

Check out our full review on KILL SWITCH.

Z-Press Wrap Up

Overall, this is an exercise that can truly help to build your muscles up in the shoulders, and really helps you to build those shredded abs. You don’t need to go too heavy, and instead just focus on getting a good squeeze. Try the Z-press for ten minutes in your workout and post up all your numbers in the comments section below…no cheating!

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Dylan Wolf: I work mainly in content writing, focusing my free time on bodybuilding and strength sports. I was introduced to fitness in high school and after watching Generation Iron movies. I love to train. I have competed multiple times, even winning a junior title in classic physique. I have a bachelor's in criminal justice and business obtained through Alvernia University. When I am not focused on work or training, I enjoy watching films or reading about anything and everything.