Three keys to weight loss.

We have all heard our friends, family, and extended relatives speak about their goals of losing weight; how this time it will be different, and how this time they are seriously committed to the process.

Some may have even succeeded along the way. However, long term success tends to be more challenging. The same people that were so motivated to attain a different end result fail. The weight comes back, and in some cases, even to a worse extent than prior to the start of the new plan.

Why does this occur? Why do so many people begin with good intentions and lose their way to a healthier lifestyle? Why is it so difficult to maintain the new weight for the duration?

It comes down to three simple elements that people tend to overlook. The elements are as follows:

1. Setting realistic and attainable goals

In this day and age, and in our culture, we have been programmed to desire instant results and instant gratification. Therefore, we want to lose thirty pounds in thirty days! Though possible, this is highly unrealistic, and even unhealthy. It does not take a person a month or two to put the weight on, so it isn’t going to take a month or two to lose all of it either. The goal needs to be realistic. Losing a .5lb-1lb of body fat per week fits the realm of manageable and sustainable weight loss. Some weeks may be better than others, but this is a more realistic, healthy, and attainable number. Therefore, if one wanted to lose 20lbs, one should estimate that it will take about 20 weeks to achieve the target weight.

2. Devising an achievable plan

If the goal was to build a house, would you take a shovel to the dirt and start digging? Of course not! Being successful in long term weight loss requires the same effort as in being successful with any other endeavor in life; a plan.

First off, understanding the importance of tracking caloric intake every day, and what those calories consist of is a huge step in the right direction. One would account for the macro nutrient intake known as protein, fats and carbs. These are important because it allows a person to discover what they are actually consuming daily. At that point, one can adjust their macros accordingly to meet their needs.

Believe it or not, people tend to under eat, and therefore, do not have enough nutrients or calories coming in to begin to successfully start reducing calories to achieve their weight loss goal. If this is the case, a person may actually need to bring up calories over a period of time before going into a caloric deficit to lose weight. You may even gain weight in the process! Think of it as taking a few steps back to get to where you want to be.

Physical activity, in order to increase your caloric expenditure throughout the day to help you lose weight is also beneficial as it coincides with the nutritional component. There are many ways to go about this. We would recommend weight training with little cardio, with an emphasis on a little cardio! People tend to overstress cardio as the secret to weight loss. People spend hours on a treadmill or elliptical hoping for the pounds to melt away and often achieve very little success.

A plan for a workout routine is just as important as a nutritional plan. Walk into the gym with an agenda knowing exactly what it is you are training, along with sets and reps, predetermined. This too should be tracked to monitor progress over time.

3. Have patience

This is the last piece of the puzzle. There will not be instant gratification with weight loss. Losing weight is a process and it takes time. Some will have faster results than others and that is just the nature of the beast. However, with proper tracking of nutrition and training, it will absolutely clarify the gray margins that you may find when on the path to losing weight. Accommodations and modifications can be made to both the nutrition and training programs so that you are always working at an optimal level, and reaching your goals at a reasonable rate.

Keeping all of these things in mind, you will be well on your way towards reaching your weight loss goals. No more frustration. No more mystery. Just weight loss all the way.



Greg Robinson is 33 years old and a natural pro bodybuilder. This year he has placed first in his Men’s Open Bodybuilding Class at the OCB Battle for the Belt in Burlington, NJ and took 2nd in his pro debut on Sept 27th, 2014 at the ANBF Jersey Shore Natural VIII. He currently is the bodybuilding representative for the American Natural Bodybuilding Federation and maintains a full time job as an Index Manager

You can find Greg Robinson on his Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram page. He also has aYouTube channel where you can find exciting and informative videos about natural bodybuilding.

Greg Robinson: Greg Robinson is 33 years old and a natural pro bodybuilder. This year he has placed first in his Men’s Open Bodybuilding Class at the OCB Battle for the Belt in Burlington, NJ and took 2nd in his pro debut on Sept 27th, 2014 at the ANBF Jersey Shore Natural VIII. He currently is the bodybuilding representative for the American Natural Bodybuilding Federation and maintains a full time job as an Index Manager You can find Greg Robinson on his Facebook and Twitter below.