Lift through that hangover.

Tell us if you’ve heard this one before: Friday night rolls around, work is finally over and your friends all want you to go out to the bar. Nothing wrong with that. But then a few drinks, turns into a few more. Suddenly, you’re taking shots and before you know it, you’re waking up Saturday morning with a massive hangover.

So, you got a little tipsy last night. Is that a good enough excuse to skip the workout you had scheduled for today? Of course not!

Actually we have some good news for you. A workout will actually make you feel better! It’s true! While there is no confirmed proof to most hangover “cures” – hitting the gym for a light workout is a proven way to start feeling better right away.

Is all of this reading making your hangover worse? No sweat. Let us break it down for you in a few simple ways:


We can’t stress this enough. If you are going to workout after a heavy night of drinking, DRINK A LOT OF WATER! Alcohol dehydrates you and a major part of why you feel so terrible the next day is because your body is dryer than your protein powder.

It’s always important to hydrate during any workout, but when managing a hangover it is especially important. Without enough water, you might actually end up feeling worse by working out – possibly leading you to vomit city. We recommend using a fusion bottle to add some natural flavor to your water, allowing you to hydrate more without sacrificing any unnecessary calories.

Sweat It Out

There are four major ways that your body expels the effects of a hangover: breathing, sweating, your liver and your kidney. While there’s not much we can do to speed up that liver and kidney – exercising definitely provides a whole mess of sweat and heavy breathing. Think of it this way, you can either sit around all day and moan about your hangover or speed up the healing process by sweating and breathing out all of the toxins. And you still get in a decent workout. It’s a win/win.

Dr. Feel Good

Having a hangover naturally slows down your brains release of endorphins. It’s a big part of the reason you feel so tired and angry in the morning. Exercise is a fantastic way to get those endorphins pumping, blood flowing and provide you with oxygen to your brain. Will it actually speed up the breaking down of toxins from your body? Maybe not – but you will start to feel better which will allow you to start working out harder.

Avoid Teasing the Headache

Eliminate any or all downward facing exercises. This will just rattle your brain around in your skull and agitate the headache you already have. Even worse, it may induce more nausea. Try to modify your workout to more upright exercises and downward facing or on your back. We suggest doing inclined push-ups and up-right shoulder presses while avoiding the bench and anything on the decline bench.

Feeling better about that hangover? No? That’s because you’re still hung-over! But now you have no excuses. So get up, get dressed and hit the gym. And when you get back, make sure to share your best hangover/workout stories in the comments section below. You can also share on Facebook and Twitter too!

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