But wait…there’s more!

If you guys can remember a few month’s back we put out a Bradley Martyn video  explaining the benefits of the lesser known pause rep deadlift. Well we hope you’ve been practicing because this is the pause rep 2.0. While the first video focused on explosiveness and lockout strength. This segment takes a slower,  more step by step approach to strengthening all your sticking points.

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The stop and go deadlift, performed by Fitness director BJ Gaddour from our friends over at Men’s Health, ads a third part to the full body workout that is the deadlift.

There are three parts to a deadlift, the lift off, the mid-way point, and right before lockout.  the purpose of the stop and go deadlift is to pause at your sticking points in order to strengthen them. By pausing anywhere from 1 to 5 seconds at every sticking point, this forces your body to adapt to the work load, building stronger abs and supporting muscles in the process.

check out the video below and tell us what you think.

Have you hit a plateau?

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