Will Playing The Size Game Help or Hurt Derek Lunsford at the 2022 Olympia?

Will the bulk help or hurt Derek Lunsford?

Could playing the size game in the Men’s Open division help or hurt Derek Lunsford at the 2022 Olympia? With just weeks to go until the big show, one has to wonder if packing on a ton of mass was the right move for Lunsford to make.

With three weeks until the 2022 Olympia, all the athletes are putting in their final touches to their physiques. The competitors in the Men’s Open Bodybuilding division are all cutting down in order to showcase more muscle while eliminating the fat from their frames. As they dehydrate themselves and cut down, maintaining adequate muscle is paramount. For 2021 212 Olympia champion Derek Lunsford it’s absolutely critical.

After winning the 212 Olympia title in 2021, Derek Lunsford has decided to move up and wait and compete in Open. With so many mass monsters in the division, Lunsford has decided to pack on muscle in preparation for the major move. But with such massive bodybuilders, like Big Ramy, Nick Walker, and Brandon Curry, the question has become Ken Lunsford make up the difference in size?

Move to Open

Moving to Men’s Open Bodybuilding obviously required Derek Lunsford to add more mass to his frame. After all, if you’re standing against the largest bodybuilders in the world and you aren’t able to cut an impressive frame on stage, you’ll be left in the dust. Understanding this well Lunsford worked hard with Hany Rambod to pack on the extra muscle. What was this ultimately a good idea?

Derek Lunsford was already a considerably large bodybuilder when he was in the 212 division. He had great structure, impressive conditioning, and enough size to stand out on stage, but if he hopes to win the 2022 Mr. Olympia, size may not be the criteria that gets him in the winner’s circle. Trying to go toe to toe with someone like Big Ramy in the size game could prove to be a futile venture. Lunsford could be better off relying on sharp conditioning to win the day.

BRUTAL Leg Day – 3 weeks out

This one made me DIG DEEP and pull out every ounce of effort I had. 💯

I was praying, “God give me just what I need to push through every rep, every set, every exercise during this workout. Give me the strong mental fortitude I need to give my best today, and everyday.”

Will More Mass Hurt or Help?

That said, Derek Lunsford has been bulking up nicely and appears to have maintained the impressive conditioning that helped him become champion at 212. While a size game could prove to be an uphill battle, it can only help the Lunsford rather than hurt him. After all, he’ll need to have a comparable frame if he hopes to contend with the top five in the Open division.

What do you think of Derek Lunsford and his current physique?

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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Jonathan Salmon: Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.