It’s all about that rhythm.

Being a bodybuilder is truly a multifaceted endeavor. Many bodybuilders simply worry about muscle growth and improving upon their physical form, at least more so than other weightlifters. The goal of every bodybuilder is to have an impressive looking physique, one that shows symmetry and proportion and can truly impress any onlooker. But focusing entirely on muscle development can get really old, really fast. So if you’re a bodybuilder looking to challenge yourself or improve more than just your physique then why not focus on improving your strength as well.

Whether you’re a bodybuilder, strongman, or powerlifter, the one thing that athletes from these sporting competitions is that they all require the user to utilize resistance training to improve upon themselves. Strongmen and powerlifters may not have the greatest physiques in the world, but they do sport some considerable strength compared to their bodybuilding counterparts. Looking the part almost seems completely inconsequential especially when you compare both athletes lifting capabilities. A bodybuilder may look like the Hulk, but he won’t perform like the Hulk. That’s why powerbuilding should be a bodybuilder’s top priority.

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One of the greatest exercises for building overall strength is the squat. It’s not called the king of exercises for nothing. Not only are squats a staple of leg day, but can also work other muscles in the body, namely the core. Increasing strength with the squat can be a tricky thing. Most times you perform the movement once during the week, but perhaps it’s time you add more squats to your weekly split to increase power and strength.

Rhythm squats are the best way to supplement your strength training and have you making crazy gains in no time. Strength trainers are living by this method and it’s already proven to work great for athletes from different sporting backgrounds and professions. The YouTube channel Strength Camp offers some awesome tips on how to gain considerable strength and become a true animal in the gym.

Will you include rhythm squats into your training routine? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

GI Team: The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!