To Get an Insane Pump

The pump is something every gym goer is chasing. They want that feeling of blood filling the muscle, the look of the veins popping and the muscle all filled up. There are plenty of ways to obtain this pump, such as carb loading and consuming sugary foods like honey or Rice Krispies before a workout. However, supplements can also come into play to enhance the pump, take it even further. Enter, PUMP by Mutant.

PUMP is a supplement that – to put it simply – enhances your pump. However, it is much more of a complex process than that, so let’s dive in.

Pump Supplements Overview

You have your protein for muscle building, pre workout for getting amped up, vitamins for overall health, but have you ever thought about what to use for a better pump? Pump supplements are used to help increase blood flow and oxygen to your muscles, as well as improve athletic performance. Pump agents are often marketed and sold as “nitric oxide boosters” or “oxygen enhancers”, because they increase nitric oxide levels in your body. So – what does that do for you?

What is Nitric Oxide?

A vital molecule produced in your body, nitric oxide has an effect on many aspects of overall health, aside from just providing a good pump. Nitric oxide helps blood vessels dilate to promote proper blood flow (pump supplements can help with this). Nitric oxide also may provide various health benefits, including improved exercise performance, lower blood pressure and better brain function.

So, boosting nitric oxide can provide a load of benefits, and pump supplements are certainly a good way to do just that. However, with plenty of pump supplements on the market, which do you choose? You do not want something that will feel over the top, you do not want something that will feel like you did not take anything, and you certainly do not want something that will break the bank. This is why we are presenting to you: PUMP by Mutant.

PUMP by MUTANT Overview

Now let’s get into the real topic of this piece, PUMP by Mutant Supplements. Pump is an affordable, insane pump supplement. It contains quality ingredients guaranteed to get you that crazy pump that every gym goer is seeking. Not to mention, it is stim free so you will not be left feeling jittery as you would with some other pump supplements, and you can take it at any time of day with no negative side effects. Let’s break it down.

What is in PUMP?

Each one of these ingredients in PUMP are laboratory tested. Then, in clinical studies, the levels of nitric oxide of recipients were tested to even further support the effectiveness of the ingredients. Let’s dive in.

Pump contains a variety of quality ingredients guaranteed to boost that nitric oxide and really get the blood flowing. It contains vitamin C, niacin, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. 

As far as the Mutant PUMP Actives, they are as follows: L-Arginine, HyperOx®, fenugreek extract, and l-threonine.

When it comes to the PUMP Enhancers, they consist of: ascorbic acid, magnesium gluconate, glyceryl monostearate, niacinamide, and niacin. 

For your electrolytes, you are looking at dicalcium phosphate, dipotassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, and sodium bicarbonate.  

It is worth mentioning that PUMP capsules are vegetarian capsules, so you can take them no matter what diet you are on!

PUMP Key Ingredients

While above we briefly listed the ingredients in PUMP, let’s take a closer look at what exactly they are there for.

Mutant PUMP Actives: The first blend in Mutant PUMP is a combination of arginine and Hyperox (fenugreek extract). Arginine is one of the better-known nitric oxide boosters on the market. It is used to help increase the body’s natural production of nitric oxide. Hyperox has been added to the arginine as an uptake enhancer, which in short allows a better absorption of the arginine to deliver better pumps.

Mutant PUMP Enhancers: This is a combination of glycerol monostearate, alpha lipoic acid, niacin, chromium and folic acid. The main ingredient here is glycerol, which is a compound found in many pre-workouts on the market. Glycerol has the ability to draw water and nutrients directly into the muscles, expanding the muscle cells and tightening the skin.

Mutant PUMP Electrolytes: The electrolyte ingredients are there to help replenish any electrolytes lost through sweat by exercise.

So What?

You may be thinking, “what do all of these ingredients matter for?” To put it simply, they are proven ingredients for boosting your nitric oxide levels, and delivering a better pump during your workout. However, more blood flow also equals more nutrient transport, which in turn leads to better performance as well as potentially better gains.

PUMP Price

Price is something that definitely plays a pretty big part in someone’s decision to make a purchase. You do not want something that will break the bank, but you want something quality, and quality is not necessarily the cheapest thing on the market. 

PUMP is $49.99 for 22 servings. 

How to Use PUMP

Well, it is something you would utilize to essentially improve the efficiency of your workouts and get a better pump during them. So, the proper way to take PUMP is to consume one serving, which is 7 capsules, about 20-30 minutes before a workout. You would want to chase this down with around 2-16 fluid ounces of water. 

Note: A one month supply of PUMP is based on 5 workouts per week. It also is recommended to not go beyond the suggested serving size.

PUMP Reviews

Now, we have gone over all of the specs of PUMP, what are people saying about it? Well, on Mutant’s website, PUMP has around 14 reviews and counting giving it 5 out of 5 stars. People claim they had much better lifts, more vascularity, and more gains! They say that the weight on their squat, bench, and deadlift went up, as well as their other lifts. 

Our Verdict on PUMP by MUTANT

While our team at Generation Iron takes into consideration what everyone else says, we like to formulate our own opinions as well. How can we back a product without trying it? We tested it, and it certainly delivered. Here were our findings:

  • More vascularity
  • Able to move more weight
  • Better focus
  • Less fatigue during our workouts

Overall, we definitely would recommend PUMP if you want more out of your workouts. We will certainly continue to use it.


Overall, pump supplements are certainly something to take into consideration when you want to maximize your workouts. A boost in your nitric oxide levels is something that can be of great benefit to your overall health, not just during your workouts. With so many junk supplements on the market, you want something you can trust to deliver good results. Mutant does just that with PUMP. It is affordable and provides quality results.

Will you be trying PUMP?

Dylan Wolf: I work mainly in content writing, focusing my free time on bodybuilding and strength sports. I was introduced to fitness in high school and after watching Generation Iron movies. I love to train. I have competed multiple times, even winning a junior title in classic physique. I have a bachelor's in criminal justice and business obtained through Alvernia University. When I am not focused on work or training, I enjoy watching films or reading about anything and everything.