Dumbbell Raise – Exercise Guide

Dumbbell Raise (Shoulders) – Exercise Guide

Muscles worked: Shoulders

Equipment needed: Dumbbells


1. Stand with an upright torso with a dumbbell in each hand extended at arm’s length.

2. Grab the dumbbells with a neutral grip so that your palms are facing each other. The dumbbells should be resting against your thighs at the starting point.

3. As you exhale, start lifting the dumbbells by elevating your elbows to the sides.

4. The dumbbells will remain close to your body as you perform the movement.

5. At the top of the movement, your upper arms should be parallel to the floor and the dumbbells near your chest.

6. Pause and contract your shoulders at this point.

7. With a slow and controlled movement, lower the dumbbells to the starting position while breathing in.

8. Repeat for the recommended reps.

Variations/How To

Put More Focus on Your Side Delts

You can put more focus on your side delts by using cables in place of the dumbbells. Stand beside the low cable pulley and grab onto a D-bar handle. Mimic the motion of the dumbbell raises. Using the cables will put constant tension on your shoulders throughout the movement.

Alternate Exercises for Dumbbell Raise

Side Lateral Dumbbell Raise

Upright Barbell Row

Vidur Saini: Vidur is a fitness junky who likes staying up to date with the fitness industry and loves publishing his opinions for everyone to see. Subscribe to his YouTube Channel.