Dumbbell Lunges – Exercise Guide

Dumbbell Lunges (Quads) – Exercise Guide

Muscles worked: Quads

Equipment needed: Dumbbells


1. Stand with an upright torso holding a dumbbell in each hand extended at arm’s length.

2. Keep your chest up, shoulders pulled back while maintaining the natural curvature of your spine.

3. Take a step forward with your right leg while breathing in and squat at your hips so that the left knee descends to a point where it is 1-2 inches off the floor. Make sure you maintain an upright torso throughout the exercise.

4. At the bottom of the movement, your right upper leg should be parallel to the floor, and the lower leg should be perpendicular to the floor. The upper left leg should also be perpendicular to the floor at the same time.

5. If your right knee extends beyond the toes, take a longer step to elevate the stress from the knee.

6. Rise to the starting position by pushing through the heel of your right foot bringing it back beside the left foot.

7. Repeat for the recommended repetitions on your right leg before switching to the left.

Variations/How To

Alternate Dumbbell Lunge

Instead of performing the lunges on one leg before switching to the other, you could alternate between reps. Maintaining your balance is the key to performing the lunges. If you’re new to lunges, you should start by doing them while holding onto fixed objects like the squat rack.

Alternate Exercises for Dumbbell Lunges


Barbell Lunges

Vidur Saini: Vidur is a fitness junky who likes staying up to date with the fitness industry and loves publishing his opinions for everyone to see. Subscribe to his YouTube Channel.