The Pros & Cons Of Various Bodybuilder Diets

Finding the right diet as a bodybuilder can be challenging but it is possible, especially when looking to maximize your own personal gains.

While the phrase “you are what you eat” sounds ridiculous, it is true, as what we eat has a direct correlation to how we feel and how we perform. As bodybuilders, we need to fuel our bodies with the right food to get the most nutrients possible as we seek the best for our gains, but there are so many bodybuilder diets out there. When it comes to finding the right diet, so many out there claim to be the one, but in this piece we will detail which bodybuilder diet is actually beneficial.

Let’s take a look at a number of potential diets and by the end, you can research which ones you like the most to maximize health and performance.

Finding The Best Diet For You

When looking for the best bodybuilder diet for you, you need to consider how it will fit with your training goals, but also your overall health. It isn’t worth trying a cutting diet if it will hurt your ability to function inside and out of the gym. Sometimes your diet becomes a way of life, and that what you eat is a product about how you view the world. But for some, they eat to perform and see growth so that diet may be geared towards food that will promote better performance.

Looking at the number of macros in your foods is important but depending on your goals, you may be able to consider lowering the amount of carbohydrates you consume, for example. Those diets without dairy or sugar should also be looked at closely as that may limit the number of foods or types of food you are able to consume. At the end of the day, you know what you’re looking for and you know your body. Listen to what it needs so you can thrive both inside and out of the gym.

Different Types Of Diets To Consider

High Protein

A high protein diet is a great option for those looking to lose weight, for increased amounts of protein can keep you full so you feel the urge to snack less (1). Protein will also help increase your growth and recovery.

Pros: A high protein diet can allow for better muscle mass and cell rebuilding while also keeping you full for longer. Lower carbs and sugar can also help aid in weight loss.

Cons: Animal protein tends to be high in fat so that will increase slightly. It also tends to be low in carbs and fruits and vegetables which are a key source of vital nutrients.


The keto diet is a low-carb diet where the thought is to get your calories from protein and fat as opposed to carbs. The goal with this bodybuilder diet is to promote ketones in the body to provide for your body’s energy source (2).

Pros: Weight loss tends to be quick as this will decrease appetite and start to use fat as energy. You will also be a little more mentally sharp and that increased energy boost is nice to power you through the day.

Cons: It is high in fat and can cause digestive issues. It can also be fairly restrictive and requires careful counting of all your macronutrients.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting involves an eating cycle where you switch between periods of eating and fasting throughout the day (3). It really puts more of an emphasis on when you eat as opposed to what you eat.

Pros: This diet does lead to weight loss for those looking to shed that unwanted fat, and can also fight inflammation. There’s no calorie restriction and the only focus is on the window of time you eat.

Cons: There is an increased hunger level and low energy levels, for a portion of the day you don’t eat. This can impact performance and potential social situations if you go out to dinner with friends or family.


The vegan diet stays away from animal products, be them meat, dairy, and eggs, among others. This diet therefore involves eating foods comprised only of plants (4).

Pros: With this diet, you promote better health benefits and certainly get a healthy dose of plant vitamins and minerals. It increases food efficiency and when done right, can lead to weight loss.

Cons: There are valuable nutrients you miss out on from not eating animal sources and this diet can get quite expensive. For those looking to increase strength and size, while it is possible, it is much harder and can lead to an imbalanced diet.

Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet is strictly a meat, fish, and poultry based diet. Plants, in most cases, are totally eliminated by this diet, although some choose to supplement here and there with vegetables. (5)

Pros: This diet certainly keeps you full and aids in growth and performance by pumping you with protein. It can lead to weight loss and most of these nutrients are absorbed in your body.

Cons: You lose the value of many vital nutrients which can seriously affect your health. Supplementing should be a priority if you choose to embark on the carnivore diet.

Featured Supplement For Any Diet

While some supplements tend to not fit with one bodybuilder diet or the other, there are supplements that do work for most, if not all diets. A pre-workout or BCAA are great to use for your pre- and intra-workout needs, but having a meal replacement shake on your shelf will work wonders to retaining quality nutrients. Most of the popular protein supplements tend to be whey based, and that may not be conducive to certain diets, like the vegan diet for example. Companies have begun to make non-dairy products with alternative protein sources to give you the best boost possible while still being conducive to all diets (6).

Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Grass-Fed Whey Isolate

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Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate is organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free, boasting a great formula for a top protein powder. With nothing artificial added, this is a clean protein that is easier on your stomach.

Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Whey Isolate is undoubtedly one of the best proteins on the market, hence the reason it makes out top list for protein. T-Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate is the perfect protein-by-weight ratio at 88%. It also is packed with 28 grams of protein per 32-gram scoop, hitting your daily protein marks has never been easier. Not to mention, the all-natural ingredients ensure no artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives ruin this great product and with protein being an essential part of the muscle building or weight loss process, no one needs the added junk to spoil their hard work from their supplements and this protein powder is no different.

Price: $59.99

Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs Grass-Fed Whey Isolate Protein!

Check out our list of the Best Non-Dairy Protein Powders for more great vegan and plant-based protein options!

Bodybuilder Diets Wrap Up

The foods we eat and the nutrients we get greatly affect our health and performance. With the right bodybuilding diet, all of our needs can be accomplished and we can thrive both inside and out of the gym. Check out these diets above and see which ones may work for you.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Antonio, Jose; Ellerbroek, Anya; Silver, Tobin; Vargas, Leonel; Peacock, Corey (2016). “The effects of a high protein diet on indices of health and body composition – a crossover trial in resistance-trained men”. (source)
  2. O’Neill, Blair; Raggi, Paolo (2020). “The ketogenic diet: Pros and cons”. (source)
  3. Patterson, Ruth E.; Laughlin, Gail A.; Sears, Dorothy D.; LaCroix, Andrea Z.; et al. (2015). “Intermittent Fasting And Human Metabolic Health”. (source)
  4. Appleby, Paul N.; Key, Timothy J. (2016). “The long-term health of vegetarians and vegans”. (source)
  5. Best Source of Health and Wellness Reviews. TheFitBay. (source)
  6. Carbone, John W.; Pasiakos, Stefan M. (2019). “Dietary Protein and Muscle Mass: Translating Science to Application and Health Benefit”. (source)
Austin Letorney: Austin Letorney is a writer, actor, and fitness enthusiast. As a former rower, he has shifted his focus to sharing his knowledge of the fitness world and strength sports with others.