
UPDATE: Iron Addicts Miami Co-Owner Accused of Selling $10m In Steroids

More details about the Iron Addicts Miami raid have been revealed. As this story develops further, the co-owner of the Iron Addics Miami Gym...

Mike Rashid Responds On Iron Addicts Miami Gym, Apologizes and Says...

Mike Rashid also responds to Iron Addicts controversy. Mike Rashid just made a statement about the DEA raid at the Iron Addicts Miami Gym...

CT Fletcher Says He Regrets Giving His Name To His Partner’s...

CT Fletcher responds to the Iron Addicts Miami DEA raid. As the story broke this morning about Iron Addicts Gym in Miami being raided...

BREAKING: Source Claims Iron Addicts Gym Miami Raided By DEA

Taking the addicts out of the gym.   UPDATE: A new video has surfaced via Twitter showcasing the gym's owner being arrested at the gym....

Sammy Sosa Compares Steroid Allegations To Persecution of Jesus Christ

Jesus and steroids. A retired super star baseball player Sammy Sosa made an interesting statement in the recent interview on ChuckBlogerstrom.comĀ (and further reported by...

Chinese Company Buys A Stake In Labrada Nutrition For $8.1 Million

Change up at Labrada Nutrition. According to Reuters and Hong Kong Newsroom, Labrada Nutrition sold 30% of its company to a Chinese based company...

What’s Toney Freeman Next Move? Could it be The Classic Division?

What's next for Toney Freeman? It was reported by MD Magazine last week that Toney Freeman is returning to the IFBB. Toney posted a...

Ahmad Ashkanani is Looking Massive Just Days Before Arnold Classic

Know the name Ahmad Ashkanani. Throughout the past few years, Oxygen Gym has become a strange new underground mecca for bodybuilders. Seemingly turning even veteran...

The Industry Celebrates Birthday Of Jim Manion

Happy Birthday Jim Manion! NPC and IFBB Pro League's President Jim Manion celebrated a birthday on Friday February 17th. Check out some of the...

Mind Muscle Connection: Robby Robinson Is An Absolute Boss!

A Lifetime of excellence Have you ever heard of the cliched line "age comes for everybody?" That monkey mind comment that although partially true,...