Athlete Profiles

Dexter Jackson Profile & Stats

Name: Dexter Jackson Nickname: The Blade Division: Men's Open Birth date: 11/29/1969 Height: 5'6" Competition Weight: 225 lbs Bio: Dexter Jackson, from Jacksonville, FL, grew up playing sports. He excelled at football, baseball,...

Lionel Beyeke Profile & Stats

Name: Lionel Beyeke Birth date: 9/10/1980 Height: 5'10" Competition Weight: 232 lbs Bio: Lionel Beyeke is a French IFBB-certified pro bodybuilder. He went pro in 2010 after winning the NPC Arnold Amateur....

Brandon Lirio Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Brandon Lirio Brandon Lirio is an American professional INBA PNBA Classic Physique professional natural bodybuilder born on March 9,...

Ben Pakulski Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Ben Pakulski Ben Pakulski is an IFBB pro bodybuilder from Canada with a great nickname in the "Pak-Man". He...

Justin Compton Profile & Stats

Name: Justin Compton Birth date: 5/15/1988 Height: 5'8" Competition Weight: 224 lbs Bio: Justin Compton began bodybuilding and strength training at age 15. He earned his pro card in...

Derek Lunsford Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Derek Lunsford Derek Lunsford is a former 212 Mr. Olympia that transitioned to the Men's Open class and won...

Chul Soon Hwang Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Chul Soon Hwang Also known as the "Asian Arnold", Chul Soon Hwang has become a sensation throughout not only...

Blessing Awodibu Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Blessing Awodibu Blessing Awodibu is an Irish professional bodybuilder who has become known for his massive physique and shredded aesthetic....