Sardinha is a man of many talents. He is not only a champion bodybuilder but also a complete artist that sings, plays the piano, dances, and act. In competition Sardinha’s routine always stand, because he fells good on the stage and has a charisma that captivates all.
Fernando’s interest for bodybuilding began when he was child with the admiration for the muscular superheroes of his childhood. As a teenager he practiced marcial arts and began to lift with the initial objective of developing a musculature for martial arts. But the passion for bodybuilding was greater and he continued in the sport, facing prejudice, combining bodybuilding with a career as a musician and working hard to achieve recognition by doing what he loves.
The beginning of his career, is not so easy, but today Fernando Sardinha is an athlete admired in Brazil and internationally. He is the current Champion in NPC Excalibur (Los Angeles), Current Mr. WABBA Universe and Vice-Universe WABBA PRO DIVISION. He is also twice vice champion of Mr. Universe NABBA, 3 times World Champion, South American Champion, five times Brazilian Champion, 3 times Champion of São Paulo. In addition he has 10 titles of best poser in Brazil, 2 titles of world’s best poser… and keeping counting as this warrior continues to write the history of bodybuilding in Brazil.
The boy who earned the nickname “Sardine” for being very skinny is one of the biggest names in bodybuilding in Brazil and it is an honor for Iron Generation to have him as a representative.