Immortal Abs: Get Shredded And Stay That Way

Keep the cut.

There are few things on the human body that can save a person’s physique from just being run of the mill. For some it’s having a defined chest, a strong and powerful symbol of masculinity. Imagine the superheroes and action icons that inspired you to get you in tip top shape in your youth with embarrassingly small pecs. It almost sounds like an oxymoron, clearly an impossibility. For some people having a large and powerful back is the key to having an aesthetic form and from there the list goes on and on. But there’s no doubting that the one muscle group that both men and women obsessed over are undoubtedly the abs.

Having a small waist with shredded abs is pretty much the picture of physical superiority to most bodybuilders and fitness aficionados. It’s the one marker that can easily make you appear to be in top form. Many people try their best to bring out their abs by exercising excessively, but really that will only help to build the muscle not show off what’s there. In order to do that body fat needs to be obliterated.

But even if you do build strong abs, how the hell do you keep them? You’ve worked so hard get the right look, yet after having great abs for a short period of time they return to looking like bloated masses of muscle rather than the washboard look that so many are in pursuit of. Well it looks like there’s an old school expert out there that has some words of wisdom of not only how to get shredded abs but keep them from appearing bloated.

Ric Drasin is one of the most well known figures in bodybuilding. To this day the man has well defined abs and he’s 71 years old! Take a look at the video below for some great advice from Mr. Drasin himself.

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