
Victoria Lomba Posts An Extra Revealing Video (NSFW)

She's no stranger to these type of shots, but wow... Victoria Lomba often shows some revealing pictures and videos but we had to share...

WATCH: Some Of The Freakiest Bicep Peaks Ever

Check out Josh Bergeron's freaky as hell bicep peaks. If you haven't heard about Josh Bergeron - he'll probably stick out in your memory after...

Ronnie Coleman Presents “Little Ronnie”

"Light Ronnie, baby!" Remember Nike's Penny Hardaway commercials from the 90s? Well this one is actually funnier and clever too.  Meet Yeah Buddy's new spokesperson...

Phil Heath At 199 Pounds!

Phil Heath wasn't always at the massive beast that he is today. The current king of the Olympia stage, Phil Heath is a genetically...

This Or That: Can Mr. Universe Hold Up To Mr. Olympia?

Mr. Universe or Mr. Olympia? THIS OR THAT WITH JESSENIA VICE – takes two highly debated fitness topics and compares them to determine the best solution...

Roelly Winklaar and Nathan De Asha Train Shoulders Weeks Out From...

Roelly Winklaar and Nathan De Asha are training to reach their final form. Iron sharpens iron is an idiom that rings true. When you...

WATCH: Jerry Brainum Discusses Every Possible Way Steroids Can Affect Your...

A sneak peek at the real deal regarding steroids and heart health. You may know Jerry Brainum as a man with 35+ years of experience...

Hidetada Yamagishi: Heart Of A Dragon

All or Nothing. Hidetada Yamagishi is a bodybuilder known by all. Starting in the Men's Open as the first ever Japanese IFBB pro bodybuilder and...

WATCH: Phil Heath Trains Legs For 2017 Mr. Olympia

We are getting close. We are only 7 weeks away from the Mr. Olympia competition and anticipation is starting to heat up. This is...

WATCH: Arash Rahbar Gives Real Talk About Steroids, Natty, and Training

Arash Rahbar has had enough of the crap. Many people looking to get into bodybuilding always seem to ask the same question: how much...