Bikini Diaries

BIKINI DIARIES: SOAKING UP THE REAL BIKINI LIFE All bikinis all the time. We're in the dead heat of summer here in NYC and that means it's the ultimate beach, bathing suit,...

BIKINI DIARIES: WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS… Hitting up the CT premiere, Olympia, and some serious weights. Krystal Lavenne shipped out to Las Vegas last weekend to cover the premiere of...

BIKINI DIARIES WITH TIFANNY URREA: FINAL PREP FOR OLYMPIA QUALIFICATOIN Battling her way to the Olympia. The heat is on as Tifanny attempts to earn her way into the Olympia Bikini competition this September....

BIKINI DIARIES: LOW CUT Shredding abs and hair. In this week's episode of the Krystal Lavenne Bikini Diaries - the body bawse decides to keep up her style...

BIKINI DIARIES: NINJAS, ZOMBIES, AND FITNESS The horror aftermath. Halloween might be behind us but that doesn't mean that Krystal Lavenne doesn't have some kick ass video footage from here...

BIKINI DIARIES: SEXY SIX PACK PHOTO SHOOT Guerrilla style. Krystal Lavenne gets ready for a guerrilla style photo shoot out in sunny NYC to show off her six pack abs. We...

BIKINI DIARIES: KEEPING IT CLASSY Krystal gets some much needed relaxing. After some heavy duty competing it must feel nice to be able to take a (very) short break...

KRYSTAL LAVENNE BIKINI DIARIES: STRUTTING THROUGH CENTRAL PARK Bikini life in the sun. Over here in NYC, the weather is finally picking up with warmth and sunshine. And no one is loving...

BIKINI DIARIES: KRYSTAL COMPETING AT THE VICTOR MARTINEZ LEGENDS CHAMPIONSHIPS Krystal becomes legend. This is what it's all about. The passion, the struggle, the hard work and dedication - it all boils down to...

BIKINI DIARIES: PROTEIN POWDER SNOW Do you listen to Christmas music when you work out? By now you're all probably used to one simple fact - holidays don't change...