
Mark Wahlberg Maintaining Insane Abs In Lean Physique Update

Mark Wahlberg has been able to keep his abs sculpted at 51 years old. Mark Wahlberg is the perfect example of how longevity is possible in...

Meet The Vegan Bodybuilder: “All Protein Comes From Plants”

Mark Chapman is a retired Orange County police officer and vegan pro- bodybuilder. Over this past year, the concept of vegan bodybuilding has risen in...

Milos Sarcev Full Interview | Steroids, Insulin, & PEDs In Bodybuilding

Watch the full uncut GI Exclusive interview with Milos Sarcev. Milos Sarcev is a former competitive bodybuilder turned coach who has had significant sway in...

WATCH: Strong Men Gangsta Rap (Graphic Lyrics)

An all star line up for a bodybuilding rap song. This is not something you see or hear everyday - a hip hop song...

Why the Smith Machine Is Better Than Barbells For the Front...

Smith machine front squats isolate your quads better than the free weight alternative.  Everyone knows free weights are better, right? The age-old question between free...

Kai Greene Reacts To Phil Heath’s Olympia 2020 Return

Kai Greene reacts: Can Phil Heath defeat returning Olympia champion Brandon Curry? In a series of unfortunate delays and cancellations of big IFBB pro bodybuilding...

Brian Shaw Deadlifts Over 1700 lbs Until His Nose Bleeds

Bloody Throwback... If you think you lift hard, you need to watch this video. Back in 2012, strongman Brian Shaw did something not many...

Jerry Brainum: How To Be A Successful Vegan Bodybuilder

Jerry Brainum believes it is completely possible to be vegan and still succeed as a competitive bodybuilder. As the world and culture evolves, veganism has...

Improve Your Power & Conditioning with Speed Squats

Speed squats are done with lighter weights and more reps at a fast tempo.   Squats are a fundamental functional exercise that enhances core strength, form,...

2021 Mr. Olympia Bodybuilding Results For All Divisions

Mr. Olympia 2021: The Complete Results. Big Ramy is your new 2021 Mr. Olympia. The Olympia is the biggest event of the year and it...