
Kneeling Landmine Press Exercise Guide: How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

The kneeling variation of the landmine press activates your shoulder muscles more since it takes your legs out of the equation.  Presses are a resistance...

Blackburns Exercise Guide — How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

The blackburn exercise helps you rehabilitate and prevent shoulder issues.  Various injuries and discomfort can impact the shoulder, a problem not spared for bodybuilders and...

Side Cable Laterals to Enhance Your V-Taper

Side cable laterals will broaden your frame to make your waist appear smaller.  Developing your shoulder muscles is crucial, but your approach to training them...

How the Seated Barbell Shoulder Press Enhances Deltoid Activation

The seated barbell shoulder press removes your core and legs from the equation.  The seated barbell shoulder press is a highly effective exercise for developing...

Single Arm Push Press Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked,...

The single arm push press improves unilateral power.  The push press is a dynamic exercise that enhances power and strength by engaging the upper and...

Bent Over Flies Exercise Guide — How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

Bent over flies help round out the shoulders by engaging the posterior delts.  The rear delts, a supporting player in numerous lift and pull exercises,...