PNBA Jon Tsui Describes Training for Natural Olympia With a Shoulder...

PNBA Jon Tsui makes training adjustments to nurse his shoulder injury in preparation for Natural Olympia.  You can still build an elite physique with a...

PNBA Tamer Barakat’s 2022 Training Shift to Preserve Muscle Ahead of...

PNBA Tamer Barakat divulges the changes he’s made to his training to preserve muscle mass.  When bodybuilders prep for shows, they have to get lean...

PNBA Derek Joe’s Training Update a Week Out From Team USA

PNBA Derek Joe focuses heavily on posing a week out from Team USA.  Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) Derek Joe has been honing on his posing...

PNBA Mitch Jarvis On Why You Shouldn’t Blame Genetics for Skinny...

PNBA bodybuilder Mitch Jarvis refutes blaming genetics for tiny legs.  Omitting leg day is a newbie gym-goer mistake. Leg day is imperative to build a...

PNBA Rich Frye Lists the Benefits of Natural Bodybuilding at 57

PNBA athlete Rich Frye lists the benefits he’s noticed from natural bodybuilding and staying drug-free. Some bodybuilders choose to dope while others don’t. And those...

PNBA Angelica Bikini Pro 6-Year Natural Bodybuilding Transformation

PNBA World Championships athlete Angelica shares a 6-year bikini natural bodybuilding transformation.  Many women avoid lifting weights and opt for cardio to transform their bodies....

PNBA Athlete Marc Cheatham Says the 3 Crucial Tips for Fat...

PNBA bodybuilder Marc Cheatham names the 3 essential things to drop body fat. There’s a lot of information surrounding fat loss on the web, but...

How PNBA Peter Cichonski Continues to Build Muscle at 60

PNBA athlete Peter Cichonski’s secret to building muscle and getting leaner at 60.  Most people know that staying in shape as you get older is...

PNBA Brandon Lirio Attempts to Devour Double “The Rock’s” Cheat Meal

PNBA Classic Physique Natural Olympia champ Brandon Lirio tries to eat double "The Rock's" recent cheat meal.  Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson recently shared a monster...

PNBA Chris Moore’s 5-Year Natural Bodybuilding Transformation at Age 50+

PNBA athlete Chris Moore shares a 5-year natural bodybuilding transformation he achieved in his 50s ahead of Natural Universe.  As we age, our body starts...