
Blessing Awodibu Answers: What Is The Fastest Way To Build Lean...

Blessing Awodibu details the important rules for building mass monster size as efficiently as possible. If you are an aspiring bodybuilder or perhaps just inspired...

Blessing Awodibu: “My Goal Is To Change Bodybuilding”

Blessing Awodibu plans to change the face of bodybuilding and 100% believes he will be Mr. Olympia in the future. Blessing Awodibu is a bodybuilder...

Hardcore Truth: Johnnie O. Jackson Reviews The 2022 Indy Pro Top...

Johnnie O. Jackson shares his analysis of the top five placing pro bodybuilders at the 2022 Indy Pro. This past weekend held the 2022 Indy...

Hardcore Truth: Should NPC Bodybuilder Winners Receive Prize Money?

Johnnie O. Jackson opens the question: Are we rewarding NPC bodybuilders enough? Beyond being an IFBB Pro bodybuilder and notable athlete in the sport, Johnnie...

Straight Facts: Should Competitive Bodybuilders Have Tattoos?

Jerry Brainum breaks down the risks of having extensive tattoos as a competitive bodybuilder. Tattoos are far more accepted today than they once were. This...

Tony Pearson: Bodybuilders Should Stay Natural As Long As Possible Before...

Tony Pearson reacts to the current state of steroid use in competitive bodybuilding and compares it to his era of the sport. The past two...

Hardcore Truth: Women’s Bodybuilding Is Still Underrepresented Despite Ms. Olympia Return

Johnnie O. Jackson believes that the Women's Bodybuilding division is still being snubbed by the pro league. In 2020, the bodybuilding world rejoiced upon the...

Straight Facts: Pros and Cons Of The Most Popular Bodybuilding Diets

Jerry Brainum shares the straight facts on the most popular diets in bodybuilding - which is the best? The benefit of living in a true...

Jim Stoppani: Full Body Vs Full Split Training, Explained

Jim Stoppani breaks down full body training compared to his hybrid model, full split training. Which is best for your fitness goals? In 2007, Jim...

Hardcore Truth: Are Misleading Supplement Companies Hurting Natural Bodybuilder Careers?

Johnnie O. Jackson discusses what it really means to be a natural bodybuilder in a world with misleading supplement companies and unknown banned substances. While...