How To Make Fitness Resolutions That Actually Stick in 2020

New year, new you, okay, okay.

So we’ve all heard that one before. The holidays are a time when a lot of gym-goers start to focus in on what they want and where they want to be this time next year. It’s also a time for reflection — where were you at with your gym goals on January 8th, 2019? Looking to the past can be a way of re-inventing ourselves so that we can be better when we look to the future. But as anyone who’s tried out the whole New Years resolutions bit will tell you, making real change to your life and routine is more difficult than you think. How many of you have already caved on the resolutions you made just a week into the year? The simple truth is, accomplishments are hard fought and require a lot of time and patience to achieve. Here are some simple tips to making fitness resolutions in the New Year you can actually keep.

Start Small.

Okay, step number one – start small. Change is incremental, right? If you say right away “There’s this big impossible dream I’ve always had and I’m going to do it right now,” you’re going to fall flat on your face and be even more disheartened than before. If you’re someone who goes to the gym, say, twice a week, try to set a reasonable goal within that framework. Good idea for a New Years resolution in that scenario: I’m going to start going to the gym three times a week instead. Bad idea for a New Years resolution: I’m going to become Mr. Olympia in 6 months, abandon my lease and live at the gym, and I’m going to get so swole it will affect Earth’s gravitational pole, narrowly averting global climate disaster and making me a hero and household name.

Keep It Simple, Stupid!

Incorporating change into your routine can be hard. That’s why you should try and set goals that build upon what you’re already doing. The familiarity will help the new action “stick” — it will fit more naturally in with your life that you’re already leading. So don’t chose anything too complicated. Don’t suddenly give up a sport you’ve been playing for years just because something fresh and new seems exciting. Maybe, if you’ve been feeling stagnant at the gym, it’s time to mix things up with new exercises, or pushing yourself harder than you were before. Try not to be drastic or expect your resolutions to magically fix everything in your life. Just choose a simple, small, manageable goal, and stick to the hard work until you get there.

Reward Yourself!

This is the fun part. Working hard towards your goals isn’t always easy, so make sure to reward yourself to avoid burnout. If you work every single day, you will start to feel anxious and tired and more than a little worn out. It’s important to replenish yourself so you have not only the strength to go on but the endurance. Think about it — you hydrate when you work out, don’t you? So why wouldn’t you hydrate yourself mentally and emotionally by taking good care of yourself in between workouts? Don’t punish yourself for eating a cheeseburger now and then if junk food makes you happy. Recognize that your emotional needs are as important as the physical.

We hope these tips have given you confidence in your goals and the drive to chase your dreams! Now get back in the gym and put yourself to the test!

GI Team
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