This one Mile 500 Lbs Loaded Carry Is Insanity

Elite strength builder or knee destroyer?

If you want to grow muscle mass then you don’t need to look too far beyond the classics. Some squats, bench press, curls, and dumbbell rows are all pretty useful in build a well muscled frame. But if you’re more adventurous and want to do more than simply build muscle, it’s a safe bet that you’re going to want to expand your lifting activities and try exercises that focus on other aspects of athletic training. For many strength athletes the answer is simple: get stronger.

So rather than just build up a nice beach body, they opt to build up their strength through performing activities outside of the realm of average bodybuilding. Strongman exercises are a particularly great source of adding strength to your acquired muscle. Considering the name, strongman exercises are certainly going to give an athlete some massive strength gains. One of those exercises in question is the loaded carry.

When you see monsters like Hafthor Bjornsson performing the loaded carry you know that by performing the action you’ll be sure to build up some massive strength. The loaded carry is truly an insane exercise as it requires the athlete to utilize functional strength for an extended period of time rather than in one explosive movement. That said, walking more than a few feet with a tremendous amount of weight on your shoulders can be extremely taxing. So walking with heavy weight for a mile has to be absolutely crushing.

Well it seems that’s exactly what this man is trying to attempt. Nick Nilsson, also known as the Mad Scientist of Muscle, is looking to attempt the mighty mile, a loaded carry with a yoke bar racked with plates. Yoke bar and plates included, Nilsson carries 500 lbs on his shoulders for an astonishing mile in length. Take a look at the crazy video.

What do you think of the mighty mile loaded carry?

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