Steve Cook And Calum Von Moger: Hardcore Shoulder Workout

Swoldier shoulders.

The expression “there’s more than one way to skin a cat” is something that has never been more true in regards to bodybuilding. It’s an endeavor in which building up your body has no real road map, offering many different avenues to travel down in order to achieve the desired result. There are different methods of dieting, different exercises that make up a routine, and a different ideology about training depending on the individual.

But for many, when it comes to getting the best results out of a hard day at the gym, there’s no better example to follow than what has been established before us. Classic bodybuilding was known for producing some of the greatest physical forms out there. It worked for champions like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Zane and it’s apparently the chosen method of up and comer Calum von Moger. The Australian born bodybuilder has been heralded as the second coming of Arnold as he not only resembles the former Mr. Olympia champion, but trains in a very similar method.

For Calum as well as many other followers of classic bodybuilding methods, high volume is the key to making serious gains. You can’t argue with the results as many a bodybuilder now and then have showed off some impressive forms. Classic bodybuilders focused more on aesthetics than on shear massive muscle and it’s a principle that Calum shares as well. With so many people hoping to look like a Phil Heath and Kai Greene, both men who are massively muscled, it’s great to see a bodybuilder more concerned with acquiring a better V Taper as opposed to packing on more muscle to an already heavily muscled frame.

Recently Calum has teamed up with Swoldiernation head and Men’s Physique competitor Steve Cook. The two were at Gold’s Gym Venice training hard and looking to improve upon their physiques, specifically their shoulder development. Click on the NEXT PAGE to check out the video.

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