Jeremy Buendia apologies for his stated anger issues while denying any physical abuse.

New broke earlier in July that Jeremy Buendia had been accused of physically abusing his ex-girlfriend Laura Amaral. Amaral posted pictures online showcasing her injuries that were supposedly due to Jeremy Buendia physically abusing her. Since then there had been a lot of fallout for Buendia including one of his sponsors, Steel Supplements officially dropped him. Buendia had been silent up until this point.

Jeremy Buendia has now issued a public apology via an Instagram IG TV post on his official account. In the video, Buendia admits to anger issues that he claims he will begin to get professional help for – and also admits to verbally abusing women in the past.

He also makes a point to deny any physical abuse stating, “I’ve never ever been convicted of any domestic violence towards a woman. I have never hit a woman in any shape, way, or form. I want to make that very clear.”

You can check out the full apology video compiled here by content partner Williams Fitness above.

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