The “Big Show” Says Jon Cena Is Stronger than Brock Lesnar

“He’s Like A Machine”

Whether you’re a fan of WWE or not we all know about “The BIG Show”. The 500lb superstar that stands over 7 feet tall, has been terrorizing the wrestling ring for over 20 years and has performed with the biggest names in the business. Besides “The Rock”, “Stone Cold”, and “The Undertaker”; John Cena and Brock Lesnar were also two competitors The Big Show has worked with, and he has a lot to say about both of them.

Strength Wars Movie

In a recent interview, “Big Show” was asked who was the strongest athlete he had ever worked with, and the answer will surprise you.

” When Cena picks you up, it’s like you’re standing on concrete….he’s like a machine”

Now we always knew the former bodybuilder turned professional wrestler was strong, but Brock Lesnar strong? Now that’s ridiculous. Besides the 40 lb weight advantage Brock has over Cena, he was also a football player and a champion UFC fighter which makes this revelation even more surprising. While Brock is definitely the most explosive, it seems the battle of the brawn is won by none other than the guy with the purple shirt…John Cena.

The question comes in 9:30 into the video.

We know what you’re thinking, how does one take the crown for Mr. “Never give up” himself? By sealing his workout, that’s how.

Whether you think wrestling is fake or not, the results are real. Try some of Cena’s coveted workouts and let us know if you’ve seen any gains in size and strength.

Do you think John Cena is really stronger than Brock Lesnar?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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