Generation Iron Flaming Bench Press

Burning passion for the iron.

For some athletes, weightlifting is about pushing themselves to the limit. It’s a way to challenge themselves, to accomplish goals they didn’t think were attainable. Pushing yourself to the extremes of your physical and mental boundaries is not uncommon in athletic endeavors. In fact, isn’t that sort of the point of all of it? To see what you’re made of? But there can come a point where challenging yourself comes closer to thrill seeking than accomplishment. At that point you have to wonder about exactly what you’re doing. Are you looking to better yourself physically, mentally, or both? Or is it something else entirely?

Some people who get into weightlifting end up wanting more than just to build strength or muscle. Some people want to prove to themselves and others that they can accomplish goals that no normal person in their right mind would think of even attempting. And then there are those who simply just wish to feel that shot of adrenaline, that feeling that you’re doing something dangerous and reckless and still coming out on the other side.


That’s exactly what could be said about the man in the video below. Benching 420 pounds is a pretty impressive feat on its own. Doing it for 32 reps is pretty mind blowing. Now doing those reps while the bar is on fire? That’s CT Fletcher levels of obsession. Literally – as CT Fletcher has benched flaming barbells int he past. Looks like this guy guy inspired to try the same thing.

Obsession to not just take things to the limit, but push past the limit. Check out the video below for the impressive showing.

What’s your opinion on this display? Is it being ballsy, extreme or just plain crazy? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

GI Team
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