This Biggie Smalls Playlist Will Have You Pushing Major Weight In No Time


Whether you’re into hip hop or not you’ve heard of Biggie Smalls. “The big, black, and ugly as ever” was an icon whose music transcended cultures and traveled across oceans. His gritty street tales over hard hitting beats caught the attention of the suburbia and urban areas alike. Even today, on the 20th anniversary of his death, The Notorious B.I.G. continues to inspire us from the grave and we show our appreciation by compiling 5 of his most intense tracks.

What separated Biggie from Tupac is that he wasn’t really searching for redemption. While Tupac seemed like a tortured soul caught between activism and crime, Biggie had the relaxed smooth flow of someone who accepted his fate, and enjoyed it! While we didn’t all grow up on the mean streets of Brooklyn, thanks to Biggie we don’t have to. So press play from the safety of your neighborhood gym and get pumped with these top 5 motivational tracks from Big Poppa!

What’s your favorite Biggie track of all time? Hit us up in the comments section below.


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