
Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth?

How is alcohol affecting your body? Too much of anything is never a good thing, so the saying goes. The idea that a few...

Brock Lesnar And 4 Other Athletes With Impressive Physiques

Bodybuilding isn't the only sport with athletes blessed with great physiques. Bodybuilding has some of the most well built forms of any other athletic...

Are Bodybuilders Mutants In The Public Eye?

How does the public view massive bulk? Being a giant mass monster in the gym is a thing of pride. A claim of physical...

Early Morning Eats For Decreased Body Fat

Get more calories in early for better fat loss. There are a ton of people out there that are calorie counters, individuals who try their...

GI Weekly: Top 5 Pro Bodybuilder’s Day Jobs Off The Stage

Making a living to support the bodybuilding lifestyle. Looking at the top tier pros that show up at Mr. Olympia - it's easy to...

One-on-One With Jim Stoppani: Changing Bodybuilding Misconceptions

With great power comes great responsibility. In this final episode of One-on-One With Jim Stoppani, Jim opens up about his involvement with the film...

How Do You Perceive Food? Clean VS Dirty

Clean vs Dirty. Over the years you have probably seen the charts showing the statistics for how hard you would have to work to...

Heavy Vs Light Weight: Which Benefits You More?

Which lift will improve your gains? As bodybuilders and lifters there seems to be an emphasis on lifting heavy in order to see some...

One-on-One With Jim Stoppani: Finding Your Balance

How to get the perfect balance in your physique and your life. Jim Stoppani is a bodybuilder, lifter, doctor, and editor - basically he's...

Bodybuilder Vs Powerlifter: How One Style Benefits The Other

You have to understand the differences to see the similarities. It's a comparison that many people make. The bodybuilder versus the powerlifter. Many people...