Get more calories in early for better fat loss.
There are a ton of people out there that are calorie counters, individuals who try their best to map out their diet plan for the day in the hopes of reducing body fat and building muscle in its place. It’s an ideology that bodybuilders live by. They have to know what they’re putting into their bodies and how much calories they’re consuming to either bulk or cut weight correctly. Well, for all you people in love with calorie counting take a pause from calculating your next meal and take a minute to see what we have to say. As much as counting calories is essential to your diet plan, it’s the time you choose to consume those calories that can be the difference between fat loss, maintaining body fat percentage, or gaining fat in general.
So when the hell should you be eating? According to some studies, eating most of the calories you consume early in the day is the way to seeing body fat reduction. That means if you were on a 2,000 calorie per day diet that you’re going to want to eat a good portion of those calories between breakfast and lunch. For those who follow this plan there seems to be more chance of weight loss. Why? Besides the fact that we told you so (and that should be enough damn it) studies found that when you have a bigger breakfast you’re more likely to curb overeating during the night.
So maybe you’re wondering what the hell this has to do with you. Well read on and take these tips under consideration.
Goal setting made easy
The easiest way to reach your calorie goals is by getting a third of your calories out of the way early in the morning. By the time you get to lunch you’ll be well on your way to meeting your bulking or cutting goal for the day.