
From Zero To Hero: Tips For The Bodybuilding Newbie

We all have to start somewhere. These tips will make the road less painful. So you're just getting into bodybuilding and wondering just what...

Fatigue: Overtraining Or Just Making Excuses?

A look into CNS overtraining and whether or not it's a real problem. Is fatigue a legit excuse for pulling back on your training?...

Welcome To Hell: Leg Day With Cody Montgomery, B-Pak, & Cormier

Everyone knows that skipping out on leg day is a pretty foolish notion. Why on earth would you want to miss the one day...

Split Or Full Body Training?

Which training style is most beneficial? Split training or full body training? It's a question that most bodybuilders ask themselves before hitting the weights...

Steroids In The Media: Legit Concern Or Scare Tactic?

Is steroid use in bodybuilding giving the sport a bad wrap? Steroids is a constant conversation in the realm of bodybuilding. We at Generation...

Is Too Much Time At The Gym Killing Your Gains?

How long can you stay away from the gym? If you ask a competitive mixed martial artist or boxer this question they'd probably tell...

Best Christmas Tree Backs In Bodybuilding

Christmas trees to admire. When the average Joe thinks of Christmas, a number of things come to their mind. For many the first thing...

The Five Best Day Jobs For Bodybuilders

Unless you're Mr. Olympia... don't quit your day job. Ideally, lifting weights and bodybuilding should be your full time job - just like any other...

Bodybuilding Things You Should Be Thankful For

Thanks for these gains we are about to receive. It's that time of the year again, when we stuff our faces and threaten to...