Exercise Guides

Reeves Deadlift Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked, & Benefits

The Reeves deadlift activates other muscles compared to other deadlift variations.  The deadlift is a fundamental hip-dominant compound movement widely popular in gyms worldwide (1)....

45 Deg Leg Press Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked,...

The 45 deg leg press allows you to push heavier loads than the machine leg press.  Many athletes approach leg day with trepidation due to...

Tabata Push Ups Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked, &...

Adding Tabatas to push ups turns the chest strength training exercise into a more muscle endurance workout.  Push ups are the quintessential bodyweight exercise for...

Iso Curls Exercise Guide — How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

Iso curls put biceps contraction under more time under tension to aid arm growth.  Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts often perform arm curls to increase their...

Sumo Deadlift Highpull Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked, &...

Sumo deadlifts highpulls engage your posterior chain and delts.  Athletes constantly search for the most effective workouts and exercises to enhance their performance. Many lifters...

Dumbbell Drag Curl Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked, &...

Dumbbell drag curls prevent "cheat reps" for peak biceps contraction.  Curls are excellent exercises for toning your arms. Recent research underscores that arm curls are...

Single Arm Push Press Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked,...

The single arm push press improves unilateral power.  The push press is a dynamic exercise that enhances power and strength by engaging the upper and...

Shoulder Tap Push Ups Exercise Guide: How to, Muscles Worked, &...

Shoulder tap push-ups activate your core muscles significantly.  Push-ups are commonly recognized as the quintessential bodyweight chest exercise, yet their benefits extend far beyond that....

Sphinx Push Up Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked, &...

The sphinx push up variation puts the tension on your triceps muscles.  Push-ups are an exceptional exercise for core and upper-body strengthening, favored by fitness...

Overhead Bar Extension Exercise Guide — Muscles Worked, Benefits, & Alternatives

Using an EZ bar to perform overhead bar extensions will reduce wrist strain and optimize the range of motion.  Numerous exercises can be performed using...