
Does Your Metabolism Slow Down as You Age? New Research Has...

New research suggests that your metabolism doesn’t slow down as you age. The human body needs energy at all times, even when you are at...

A Complete Guide To Protein Supplements For Growth & Recovery

Vital for growth and recovery, knowing the ins and outs can boost your training and performance. It may seem like there are too many supplements...

Eating These 6 Foods Will Heat Up Your Sex Life

Eating These 6 Foods Will Heat Up Your Sex Life For the majority of the lifters, eating and sex are two of their most favorite...

Hunter Labrada’s Tips to Break Leg Growth Plateaus

Hunter Labrada shares crucial tips to overcome the struggle with growing weak legs.  Hitting a plateau as a bodybuilder can be frustrating. Remember that this...

How Cable Glute Kickbacks Strengthen & Tone Your Lower Half

Add a mean glute exercise into your leg day routine. You need to do leg day. We all get that. But the same old exercises...

How Sissy Squats Really Strengthen Your Quads

Don’t let the name fool you into thinking these are for the weak. When it comes to leg day, many of us have consistently done...

Close Grip Pull Ups Exercise Guide: How to, Benefits, and Variations

Here’s how to do the close grip pull ups and why you should do them!  Pull ups are one of the most strenuous exercises —...

How Gorilla Rows Seriously Build Your Posterior Chain

Build that massive back with gorilla rows. Building our backs can be a challenge but exercises like gorilla rows are perfect for giving us that...

Eddie Hall and Larry Wheels Collab for a Boulder Shoulder Workout

Strongman Eddie Hall and powerlifter Larry Wheels team up for an epic shoulder workout to prepare for bodybuilding.  Broad and robust shoulders improve your aesthetics...

Dear Beginner, Please Stop Making These 10 Fatal Mistakes

Dear Beginner, Please Stop Making These 10 Fatal Mistakes The weight room can be an intimidating place for a newbie, especially for a person who...