Generation Iron Olympia Winners

Times sure have changed.

In a recent video by the “We Are Gym Addicts”, they compile a list of every Mr. Olympia winner and total money awarded. What’s most surprising about this video is that some of the most impressive physiques are not the ones on top. This makes earlier bodybuilders even more respect as these pioneers did it for the love.

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A common questions with niche sports is, “do these athletes make a living off of that, do they have to have a regular job?”. While the juggernauts, like Phil, Kai, and Big Ramy, can probably keep the lights on, most bodybuilders aren’t making enough to just train and do need supplemental income. Speaking of supplements, endorsement are also a large part of the bodybuilding game, padding a large part of a builder’s financial success.

While a far cry from mainstream sports like basketball, baseball, or soccer, as you can tell from the video bodybuilding has definitely become more fiscally viable over the years. Hopefully the addition of the new physique class will bring more eyeballs to the sport and keep the checks coming. But for now, as the song playing in the background by Rob Bailey and The Hustle Standard says, “It`s not because of that, it´s not because of money”…do it for the love.

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