Jujimufu and Joey Szatmary Take On The Insane Bazooka Deadlift, Try to Break World Record

Jujimufu and Joey Szatmary tackle the unorthodox bazooka deadlift movement.

Popular strength athletes and fitness influencers Jujimufu and Joey Szatmary recently tried their hand at the crazy bazooka deadlift. Looking very similar to what old time strongman competitors used to perform, the bazooka deadlift has to be one of the more inventive and difficult lifts to perform.

The bazooka deadlift is quite a peculiar movement. It’s definitely a creative lift, but is incredibly dangerous. It’s unlike the average deadlift most lifters have come to know. Rather than it be a simple hip hinge motion, the bazooka deadlift requires far more from the user.

And Jujimufu is crazy enough to try out the movement himself.

The popular weightlifter, bodybuilder, and powerlifter recently was in search of a new challenge. Jujimufu has found his next challenge with the bazooka deadlift. The lift is unlike anything we’ve seen in powerlifting, bodybuilding or strongman. Which means it was a perfect fit for Jujimufu.

It’s a truly peculiar lift that is gaining a ton of popularity in online spaces. Fascinated by the unorthodox movement, Jujimufu and his friend   Joey Szatmary decided to give it a try.

The movement requires some dexterity and some pretty insane strength. Standing with a loaded barbell between the legs, you must pull the barbell up and through the space between your legs then up and over your shoulder. The end result should have the user appearing as if they’re firing a bazooka, hence the name.

Since it’s a pretty hard movement to explain, seeing it for yourself is perhaps best.

First time trying BAZOOKA LIFT. 225 lbs ✔️ ???? 290 lb WR attempt ❌️ ????


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See their full challenge here.

What do you think about Jujimufu, Joey Szatmary, and their bazooka deadlift journey?

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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.


Jonathan Salmon
Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.