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Professor Smalls: The Best Way To Bulk Like A Pro Bodybuilder

Everything you are (probably) doing wrong when bulking.

PROFESSOR SMALLS – brings the vast knowledge of pro bodybuilder and trainer Fred “Biggie” Smalls straight into your home. Covering everything from training, diet, and genetics on a pro level – this is the most comprehensive breakdown of all things bodybuilding to help you build the best physique of your life. Professor Smalls airs every Wednesday.

Part of the natural cycle of a bodybuilder is the art of bulking and cutting. While some bodybuilders choose to stay in sharp conditioning throughout the whole year, many often bulk up during the off season to pack on more size – then cut it all down during contest prep to have a grainy, dry, and hard conditioning.

But it’s one thing to say you are bulking and another thing to actually bulk right. Just because you are bulking doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want (unless you are a genetic marvel). For most of us, you need to still pay attention to what foods you eat and how you bulk to ensure your conditioning comes in on point come competition day.

That’s why Fred “Biggie” Smalls breaks down the best way to bulk like a pro bodybuilder. The main goal is to build up size with gaining as little fat as possible. Fred goes into detail about every single aspect you should consider to ensure that you are bulking the best way possible – and will come out on top with the best physique possible when you step on stage.

Learn everything you need to know about bulking in this episode of Professor Smalls above!

WATCH: At 48 Years Old, Dexter Jackson Trains As Hard As Ever In The Gym

Dexter Jackson is still a beast in the gym.

When you win the Mr. Olympia competition it validates a few things. Not only are you considered the best bodybuilder in the world on that given night, it also means all the hard work, training, and sacrifice has truly paid off. Dexter Jackson had the honor of understanding that feeling first hand when he won the 2008 Olympia, upending Jay Cutler as champion.

Fast Forward ten years later and Dexter Jackson is still a solid competitor in the top five of the Open Weight division. He regularly faces off with some of the best bodybuilders in the world including William Bonac, Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay, Shawn Rhoden, and of course the current reigning Olympia champion Phil Heath.

Despite being the man of most advanced years on stage, Dexter Jackson gives it his all each and every time. Even now he trains like an absolute savage when it’s time to hit the gym. Take a look at some of this training footage showing Dexter Jackson kill it in the gym.

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WATCH: Juan Morel Looking For Redemption At The Toronto Pro 2018

Juan Morel is 2 weeks out from the Toronto Pro… and redemption.

Nathan De Asha bested Juan Morel at the New York Pro 2018 last weekend – but that’s not stopping Juan from pushing forward and focusing on his next competition. Slated to compete at the Toronto Pro in just about 2 weeks, Juan Morel has a chance to prove himself and land a first place spot after an epic and close battle in New York.

Fazi Fitness has a video update from Juan himself – showcasing his training and competition prep. Do you think his loss at the New York Pro will put him in a mental mind funk? Or will it be the kind of motivation he needs to focus harder and gain redemption? Watch the video above and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Fazi Fitness’ official YouTube channel for more bodybuilding videos and updates!

GI Exclusive: Shaun Clarida Talks On How People Never Took Him Seriously… Until Now

It’s time to start taking Shaun Clarida seriously.

Vlad Yudin jumps onto a video call to interview Shaun Clarida after his big win at the New York Pro 2018. For years now, competitors and spectators have used Shaun Clarida’s smaller size against him while competing in the Men’s 212. In Shaun’s own words – they weren’t taking him seriously.

Now with an epic win at the New York Pro 2018 – it’s time for the bodybuilding world to start taking notice and consider him a real threat. In a world where Classic Physique aesthetics are becoming more and more popular… Shaun Clarida’s smaller size with stronger conditioning & aesthetics is more than enough to make him a strong contender in major bodybuilding competitions.

Shaun Clarida goes into detail about how he plans to change the game when it comes to what a winning physique looks like on stage. Check it out above!

WATCH: Rampage Warns 50 Cent To “Stay In His Lane” and That He’s Not A Fighter

Quinton “Rampage” Jackson is sending a warning to 50 Cent.

Ever since 50 Cent has partnered up with Bellator MMA, talk has been swirling that the rapper and actor has been considering facing former UFC Light Heavyweight champion Quinton “Rampage” Jackson in an MMA fight.

The likelihood of such an action actually occurring is purely based on rumor and conjecture. While 50 Cent may be talking trash online, the rapper has been known to troll others on social media before. All this talk of a 50 Cent versus Rampage fight is simply a fabrication on the part of the fans. Nevertheless, the rumor is spreading like wildfire and has made it’s way to Rampage himself.

Confronted by TMZ Sports, Rampage goes on the record and warns 50 Cent to stick to rapping rather than fighting.

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his InstagramTwitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.

WATCH: Men’s 212 Posedown At The New York Pro 2018

New York Pro 2018 Highlight: Shaun Clarida shines during an epic Men’s 212 posedown.

Watch the New York Pro 2018 Men’s 212 epic posedown. The New York Pro was a heated competition across all divisions. Whether it was the surprise showing of Regan Grimes in the Classic Physique, the battle between Nathan De Asha and Juan Morel, or Shaun Clarida duking it out with the top 3 in the Men’s 212 as seen here. There’s a reason this is one of the biggest shows of the year. Watch above and let us know what you think about the top 3 guys’ physiques.

Luimarco Says Freaks Are Killing Bodybuilding, Disappointed By NY Pro

Luimarco is disappointed with the current state of bodybuilding.

Change comes for all things, it can’t be denied. As the old saying goes, for everything there’s a season and bodybuilding is no exception. Where bodybuilding was once held in high regard by the many fans of the sport, it appears that a great deal of the endeavors biggest supporters are changing their tune.

Many fans biggest complaints seem to be that there is no longer any focus on aesthetics in the Open Weight division. Instead, it’s all a size game and whoever can come in the biggest with a decent amount of conditioning will win a given show.

Luimarco has always been an outspoken individual within the bodybuilding community. While he shares his opinions on the state of the sport, many have criticized him simply because he’s not a professional bodybuilder himself. But a person doesn’t need to compete in a given sport to have an opinion and Luimarco has always delivered honest and concise commentary on the state of bodybuilding.

The video posted by Luimarco sees the bodybuilding personality critique the current state of bodybuilding and why he thinks the sport is dying.

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Rafael Brandao Should Have Placed In The Top Five At NY Pro

Rafael Brandao deserved top honors at the NY Pro.

If you were to scour the internet to get opinions on the Open Weight bodybuilding competition at the New York Pro, there’s no doubt that you will find most reviewers can agree on one thing: Rafael Brandao didn’t deserve a sixth place slot. In fact, you have great deal of people saying that Brandao could have easily been the winner of the entire show.


Well, for the most part it seems that the conditioning at the top levels are given less credence than shear size. At this point we’re completely unsure of the judging criteria and as it stands it’s pretty difficult to know what is being scored. While most every bodybuilder in the top five showed off an impressive physique, none were as dry and shredded as Rafael Brandao when he stepped on stage.

O que vocês acharam dessa ?????‍♂️

A post shared by IFBB PRO RAFAEL BRANDÃO (@rafabrandaopro) on

So what does this say about the judging criteria as well as what Rafael Brandao will need to get some higher placings at shows?

First, it says that judges are looking for even more size than ever before. This could be because of the introduction of the Classic Physique division. With the emphasis being on aesthetics and definition, Open Weight bodybuilding needs to set itself apart. That means size wins the day and that proved to be the case at the NY Pro.

As far Rafael Brandao, it’s obvious that in order to place higher that he’ll need to pay his dues and keep building his presence in the sport. Also, he’ll need to gain even more size, but not at the expense of his conditioning. His conditioning was truly incredible and for him to lose that just to bulk up would be a dangerous proposition.

While he may not have cracked the top five at the NY Pro, it’s good to see that many in the community believe that Rafael Brandao was deserving of placing in the top three with many believing he was the best bodybuilder on stage. For now, it’s back to the grind for Brandao as he continues his assent up the ranks.

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Kimberly Cao Uses Tropical Storm Harvey As Fuel To Win Show 8 Months Later

Kimberly Cao uses tragedy to become bodybuilding success.

Kimberly Cao was just one of thousands of Texas residents blindsided by Tropical Storm Harvey. The 29-year-old was forced to relocate, and says the ordeal gave her fueled her bodybuilding spirit to the next level.

The initial storm was extremely traumatic. She told 12 News:

“We lost everything, had to evacuate in the middle of the night in flood waters. My dog, I was literally pushing him in a plastic bin until we were able to get to a boat to safety.”

But bad weather was just the beginning of her struggle. Cao’s father was injured involved in a car accident and required emergency surgery. On top of that, Cao’s boyfriend broke up with her. All three events occurred within one week.

“All of these independent situations happening at once is extremely overwhelming, I wasn’t prepared to handle them. I just didn’t know the correct way or the type of emotions I’m supposed to be feeling and I didn’t want to be susceptible to negative thoughts.”

This series of unfortunate events inspired Cao to push harder than ever at her home Powerhouse Gym in Port Neches.

Through the next eight months she dropped a stunning 34 pounds, and finished first in the Open Bikini division in the Southeast Texas Bodybuilding Championships. She also took silver in the Novice Bikini division.

She said the victory was highly cathartic after her struggles.

“It was very overwhelming, I feel like my family was more excited for me because they’ve been on this journey this entire time with me, it was very rewarding.”

“I feel super empowered, I feel that I cannot be defeated by the situations or tribulations that come across, but I can control how I react to them, and bodybuilding has been a very positive outlet for me.”

The victories qualified Cao for national competition, and she looks forward to greater success on her bodybuilding journey.

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WATCH: 8 Golden Era Tips For A Better Body And Great Workout

Golden Era tips from a Golden Era legend!

Ric Drasin is one of the true legends of the Golden Era, a bodybuilder and pro wrestler who has seen it and done it all. On the latest episode of his online series Ric’s Corner, the legend gives 8 great tips that will ensure that you not only get a great workout, but build a great body to go with it. Check out the latest episode for these Golden Era certified tips now!

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.