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Top 30 Muscle Movies (#29)

MV5BODk3NDM5MTE4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTUwMTcyMQ@@._V1_SY475_SX362_AL_#29. No Pain, No Gain (Samuel Turcotte, 2005)

In a small Ohio town, Mike Zorillo longs to be respected for his genius IQ rather than his immense power for bodybuilding. Preparing for the bodybuilding competition, Mr. West Coast, Mike chooses to use natural science instead of steroids. Backed by the worlds largest sports nutrition company and determined to beat his nemesis, Jake Steel, Mike must train in the tough California environments filled with gym culture freaks, juicers, and Hollywood wannabes.

While this film is low budget and filled with many awkward laughs, it is powered by its story and attitude about the sport of bodybuilding. You will be feeling the pain along with Mike and eventually be cheering for him in the end. This is a great movie for anyone preparing for a competition that needs the extra push to keep going.


Top 30 Muscle Movies (#30)

During the month of June, GI Athletics will be counting down our Top 30 Muscle Movies. The process of creating this list sparked many inner office arguments and someone constantly throwing down the Arnold card. The list may not be perfect and some of the choices may surprise you – but we hope this inspires you to work harder and maybe even plan a movie night.

warrior-film-1961629478#30. Warrior (Gavin O’Connor, 2011)

The youngest son of an alcoholic former boxer returns home, where he’s trained by his father for competition in a mixed martial arts tournament. This puts pressure on the relationship with his brother, another fighter in the competition.

Warrior is filled with incredible performances and a captivating sportsman story. This fantastic film creates an amazing family drama while packing plenty of punches.

Tom Hardy went through intense training to gain muscle for the film during pre-production, reportedly gaining around 28 pounds of muscle. This physique was used to portray Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. Nick Nolte was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in his portrayal of a struggling alcoholic father.

Bodybuilding At The Buffalo Niagara Film Festival

Do you have what it takes to be a bodybuilder? These guys and girls certainly do. Check out this amateur bodybuilding showcase from the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival.

When is your next competition?



Check out the exclusive premiere music video for “Never Gonna Stop” by Mind The Gap ft. Quan from the Generation Iron movie soundtrack.


Get your copy of the Generation Iron soundtrack now!

Surviving The Tough Mudder


Warmer weather and lots of rain means spring is finally here! After a long winter of lifting weights in the gym, it’s time to bring your workout outside. A great way to motivate yourself is to sign up for a race or event during the summer that you can train for all spring. But marathons, biathlons, even triathlons focus almost entirely on endurance and little on strength training. To survive some of the relatively newer events, like the Tough Mudder, you must demonstrate endurance, strength and overall toughness.

Recently, MensFitness.com put together a survival guide for the “Most Badass Obstacles” of the Tough Mudder. Spoiler alert! Even though every Tough Mudder is different, this list examines some of the most popular (and most painful!) events and discuses your best chances of surviving them. Here’s an excerpt from the article:


HOLD YOUR WOOD: If ever there’s a time to flex your muscles, it’s now. In Hold Your Wood, you literally have to haul a heavy, beastly log up and down a set of slippery hills without falling. Not only will your back and shoulders hate you, but you’ll also have to engage your core and walk with calculated precision to avoid falling. 

Hold Your WoodHint: Train as many Mudders do for Hold Your Wood—it’s simple. Chop down a tree and saw off a big hunk of it. First walk and run slowly. Get used to the weight and feel of the wood. Then, find a good hill, and sprint up and down. Best practiced after a heavy rainfall for the full effect. 

Check out the full article here.

Exercise Can Make You A Better Leader

Forbes.com recently sat down with fitness guru Shay de Silva to discuss the importance of exercise to become a better leader.  Below is an excerpt from the interview:

You may think you don’t need exercise for an added edge, but research by the Center for Creative Leadership determined that overweight leaders are often viewed as having less effective interpersonal relationships, poorer leadership capabilities, and lower overall job performance. While these stereotypes may not be valid, having a slimmer physique can improve others’ perceptions of you as a leader.

The evidence seems to indicate that earning power is indeed associated with physical fitness. A study published in the June 2012 issue of theJournal of Labor and Research showed that people who exercise regularly earn about 9% more than those who don’t.

Check out the entire interview here

Behind The Scenes: Hidetada Yamagishi

Hidetada Yamagishi talks about overcoming his biggest obstacles, his opportunity to make a come back and his impact on the future of bodybuilding. For more great behind the scenes and interviews, pickup your official copy of Generation Iron Extended Director’s Cut on DVD today!

Kai Greene Spotted Wearing GI Varsity Jacket

Kai Greene just touched down in Copenhagen, Denmark for the 2014 Loaded Cup sporting the Generation Iron Varsity Jacket.



Don’t forget to get your own Generation Iron Varsity Jacket, now on sale!



Exclusive: Kai Greene Interview

Believe it or not, there is something bigger than Kai Greene: Generation Iron. Check out this video where Kai Greene talks about the opportunity to be a part of something so much larger than himself and the celebration of the process.

Exclusive: Victor Martinez Interview

Victor Martinez discusses his comeback, fans and Generation Iron at the Arnold Classic 2014.

Don’t forget to order your copy of Generation Iron Extended Director’s Cut on Blu-Ray & DVD! for more exclusive interviews like this.