Truly leaning out.
Bulking. It’s a process that many bodybuilders put themselves through. In order to acquire the quality muscle and definition they seek they must up their macros and caloric intake in order for their bodies to grow. With the advent of the Classic Physique division, former Men’s Physique pro Sadik Hadzovic has thrown his hat into the race hoping to dominate the newly minted division. With a proper bulk Sadik could undoubtedly be the king of this new division. But is he making the right adjustments to bring that to fruition?
A couple of weeks ago we reported our opinions on whether or not Sadik was having an adequate bulk. The response was pretty tremendous to say the least, yet everyone has an opinion for a reason. Sadik is certainly in good shape, but we had to wonder if his bulk was somehow damaging his physique ahead of his eventual Classic Physique showing. He certainly didn’t look fat and this is also the former Men’s Physique pros first major bulk in his bodybuilding career.
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The truth of the matter is that not everyone has the capabilities to put on massive muscle, burn away fat, and have a shredded and defined physique. Some people bulk up too much or in the wrongs ways which can result in their bodies declining rather than impressing. Scrutinizing bulking methods have always been prevalent in bodybuilding and with Sadik, that frame of mind has come to the forefront. When you consider the fact that one of his biggest influences and mentors Frank Zane was never a big believer in bulking during the off season. Zane was an advocate for staying lean all year round and that can’t be done if you’re periodically bulking year after year.
Still, there is a science to everything and it appears that Sadik is starting to make the kind of gains that would make anyone a true believer. Yes, it looks like we jumped the gun questioning Sadik’s bulk earlier. This man seems to not only know exactly what he’s doing – he looks like he knows exactly how to WIN.
Check out this recent image Sadik posted up on his Instagram account.
Do you think Sadik will be king of this new division? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.