Generation Iron Rich Piana Contest $10,000

Putting the performance front and center.

Bodybuilding competitions are pretty straight forward. When you tune in to an event you aren’t likely to be confused about proceedings. A bodybuilder gets on the stage to show off all the hard work they’ve been doing in preparation for a given event. How exactly do they manage that? Well, they construct a posing routine to convince the judges that they are the best at the competition. But the judges are human and may make their own judgments as soon as they see all of the competitors. In their minds, they may have already chosen a winner unconsciously.

No matter how you slice it, bodybuilding competitions aren’t exactly shocking. You have an idea of who can win just based on their physiques alone. But what if there was a competition where the rules set things up differently, rules that made things far more interesting and intriguing? If you’re looking to see some new life injected into bodybuilding competitions, then it’s possible that you may find some of Rich Piana’s ideas more than a bit interesting.

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Strength Wars Movie

Rich Piana is a fairly controversial figure in the bodybuilding community. He’s brash, he’s outspoken, and has many controversial ideas that a great deal of people in the bodybuilding community disagree with. Nevertheless, the right to free speech is something we should all appreciate and Piana is using that right to speak his mind. This time, Piana discusses the problem with bodybuilding competitions and how things can be more entertaining to the viewer.

Piana has taken it upon himself to come up with a revolutionary way of conducting a bodybuilding competition that focuses on more than simply aesthetics and physique. Instead it measures physique as well as capability. To be clear, this isn’t the beginning of a new league or organization. This is just Rich Piana being Rich Piana. Check out what Piana is trying to sell.

Do you think this method of competition would be more entertaining than a traditional bodybuilding event?

Let us know in the comments and follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter. Also, be sure to share, like, and comment to show your support.

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