Generation Iron Workout Myths

Let’s squash these common bodybuilding myths right now.

Working out and the reasons for working out are well known, but with those facts come a lot of misconceptions. We tend to get caught in a ‘more is better’ attitude, and sometimes, just sometimes, we are not getting the most for our time and energy.  This post explores a few of the common misconceptions about working out.

1. Exercising first thing in the morning will burn more fat.

Generation Iron Jay Cutler Branch Warren Victor Martinez

It is always important not to deprive your body of nutrients, especially after fasting all night. Starting exercise on an empty stomach will limit the amount of energy you have to finish your workout, let alone perform high intensity exercise; which is essential for the ability to for post workout fat burn.  Just like you would not drive a car without fuel, our bodies work in the same manner.

The best meal routine on workout days is to eat first thing in the morning and wait at least 30 minutes to begin exercising. Ideally, the breakfast consists of a balanced level of protein and carbs, which is roughly 2:1, respectively. Similar types of food should be eaten for post workout meals as well.