Bodybuilding Meets MMA! Hunter Labrada Puts Sage Northcutt Through Brutal Leg Day Training

Is this the most brutal leg day training you’ve seen?

There’s no doubting that mixed martial arts is one of the most physically demanding sports there is. I’ll even go out on a limb and state for a fact that no other sport demands as much from your body from MMA. Yes, there’s a little bit of bias there, but when you consider the amount of disciplines you must understand and combine to make one total package, MMA is truly one of the most difficult disciplines to master.

That said, bodybuilding training is no picnic. It requires a great deal of mental fortitude in order to push through rep after rep and set after set of grueling training in order to maximize your results. Hunter Labrada and Sage Northcutt are both well aware of that fact. While Sage Northcutt has competed in bodybuilding competitions in the past, his main focus is MMA and he’s steadily climbing the ranks under the tutelage of Team Alpha Male head coach Urijah Faber. But Northcutt still takes time out of his schedule to hit the weights from time to time.

Once again teaming up with Hunter Labrada, the son of legend Lee Labrada, Northcutt is put through one of the more gruelling aspects of bodybuilding training: the dreaded leg day. Take a look at the kind of leg training Hunter Labrada puts himself through and if Sage Northcutt can power his way through it.

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.

Strength Wars Movie

Jonathan Salmon
Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.