Are You Wasting Time With Deadlifts?

What does it do best?


So it sounds like we’re bashing the deadlift. If you truly think that then you’re dead wrong. You shouldn’t take deadlifting out of your routine, but you should know exactly what they should used for. The specific benefit for performing deadlifts is to increase your strength. Deadlifts are going to make you more explosive and ultimately improve your strength in other lifts as well. If you specifically want to sculpt muscle without worrying about strength then deadlifts aren’t necessarily a must for your weight training program. But if you’re looking to both look strong and actually have functional strength then you should definitely have deadlifts in your regimen. Bodybuilding is all about finding the exercises that work the best for development. Knowing exactly how each exercise will affect you workout is half the battle.

Are deadlifts a staple of your workout? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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