
The Final Answer: Whole Eggs Or Egg Whites?

Which is the way to go? The delicate science that is known as bodybuilding can be extremely difficult to master. It's certainly not the...

Phil Heath Reveals The True Cost Of A Pro Bodybuilding Diet

The true cost. People ask this a lot: Is it possible to be a full time bodybuilder without another day job? Obviously there are...

Apparently This Is How To Spot A Fake Natural Bodybuilder

Fake or legit? In the world of bodybuilding the difference between being in good shape and unbelievable shape can be dependent on a bunch...

Top 5 Mistakes Most Bodybuilders Make Outside Of The Gym

If You Don't Know, Now You Know So you're a bodybuilder. You're tough, you're strong, you scream, you grunt, you lift. You've pretty much...

Fit To Unfit: How Long Does It Take To Lose And...

Stay motivated or risk losing your gains. Excuses. It's a sin that everyone is guilty of making of now and again. You may miss...

Mark Bell Gets Real About Steroids, PEDs, And Testosterone On Joe...

Some real talk. The world of athletics can truly be a strange realm. Sporting endeavors all focus on being the best, taking the number...

Steve Cook And Calum Von Moger: Hardcore Shoulder Workout

Swoldier shoulders. The expression “there's more than one way to skin a cat” is something that has never been more true in regards to...

GI Weekly: Top 5 Sexiest Fitness Physiques

The sexiest and fittest women in the business. Female bodybuilding has changed a lot over the past decade. While the traditional Women's Open Bodybuilding...

WATCH: Ronnie Coleman’s First Ever Powerlifting Competition

Ronnie Coleman dominates the deadlift. Competing in bodybuilding is a full time gig. It requires the kind of patience and dedication that a trained...

EXCLUSIVE KAI GREENE INTERVIEW: WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE GI PARTNERSHIP "Be prepared to embrace new possibilities." By now the news has spread throughout the bodybuilding community: Kai Greene has officially partnered with Generation Iron...