Exercise Guides

4x Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler’s Olympia Chest Workout

The 4x Mr. Olympia shared the chest workout to build an elite bodybuilder’s torso.  Do your bodybuilding plans include building a bigger chest? How about...

The 8 Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Shoulders

The 8 Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Shoulders There’s perhaps no more underrated part of the body than the shoulders, which are called upon to...

Leg Press Calf Raise Exercise Guide: How to, Benefits, and Variations

Learn how and why the leg press calf raise is an excellent exercise for growing your calf muscles!  Your calves play a role in many...

Dorian Yates Reveals the Best Exercise For Building a Barn Door...

Dorian Yates on the exercise to do if you want a broader back.  As a bodybuilder, your back is as important as the muscles in...

Close Grip Pull Ups Exercise Guide: How to, Benefits, and Variations

Here’s how to do the close grip pull ups and why you should do them!  Pull ups are one of the most strenuous exercises —...

Eddie Hall and Larry Wheels Collab for a Boulder Shoulder Workout

Strongman Eddie Hall and powerlifter Larry Wheels team up for an epic shoulder workout to prepare for bodybuilding.  Broad and robust shoulders improve your aesthetics...

5 Best Supersets To Crush Biceps

Here are some supersets to hit biceps hard! Spending a training day focused solely on the biceps seems like an exercise in vanity. Why not...

How Exercise Improves Your Dating Experience

There are many ways that exercise can improve aspects of life! Nowadays, you see endless posts about how you should be happy before you start...

Back At It: Top 3 Back Exercises For Beginners

Here are some of the elite back workouts for beginners to try! So you are the newbie in the gym, and the back can be...

Top 8 Tips for a Tip Top Chest for Beginners

Here are some tips on how to build a bigger chest! If you are new to the gym it can be quite daunting, where do...