Exercise Guides

Dragon Squat Exercise Guide — Muscles Worked, How to, Benefits, &...

The dragon squat takes the pistol squat up a level.  Experts widely regard the dragon squat - a step up from the shrimp squat and...
long lever plank for a shredded core

Long Lever Planks Explode Core Strength & Sculpt Chiseled Abs

Long lever planks will make the upper ab muscles pop.  The plank is an isometric bodyweight exercise that engages muscles throughout your body (1). This...

B Stance Squats Exercise Guide — How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

The B stance squat allows you to train unilaterally without impacting balance.  The squat is a foundational compound exercise that effectively engages various leg muscles,...

Explode Arm Girth with the Banded Tricep Extension

The banded tricep extension keeps the tension constant throughout each degree of the movement.  Do you want well-defined triceps that make a statement under your...

Chris Bumstead Back Workout For A Sprawling Christmas Tree

5x Classic Physique Olympia champion Chris Bumstead shares a massive back workout! Believe us when we say there will be major posterior pounding on the...

The Ultimate Lat Pulldown Guide: Technique, Benefits, and Variations

Everything you need to know about the Lat Pulldown from technique, back benefits, and variations. The lat pulldown machine is one of the most popular...
Crunches Generation Iron Exercise Guide

Crunches – Exercise Guide

Crunches (Abs) - Exercise Guide When it comes to abdominal training, too many times to people utilized complicated exercises and too much gym equipment. In...

Triceps Dip Exercise Guide — How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

Triceps dips use your bodyweight to grow your arms.  Many people tend to focus solely on their biceps when building impressive arms. However, did you...

3 Outer Quad Exercises for Sculpted Legs & a Striking Leg...

The outer quads are essential in showing off the aesthetics of a bodybuilder’s lower body.  Research indicates that leg training stimulates the release of growth...

Bent Over Row Exercise Guide — How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

Bent over rows is a staple bodybuilding back exercise.  Developing your upper body muscles is crucial in bodybuilding. It enhances your range of motion, allows...