Exercise Guides

Cable Leg Extension Exercise Guide — How to, Benefits, and More

Cable leg extensions add variety to your leg workout and engage the quads from a different angle.  Leg workouts are crucial, regardless of your fitness...

The Leaning Lateral Raise Holds the Power to Explode Your Delts

Using support to lean on for lateral raises, take your medial delts through a greater range of motion.  Should exercises play a pivotal role in...

The Best 13 Leg Exercises for Monster Legs

These are the 13 best leg exercises for leg hypertrophy (muscle growth).  You'll never skip leg day again after incorporating these exercises into your training...

Try Bodyweight Skull Crushers to Build Sleeve-Ripping Triceps

Bodyweight skull crushers require some serious triceps strength.  Bodyweight training utilizes your bodyweight as resistance, eliminating the need for equipment. Bodyweight exercises are a convenient...

5 Ways To Improve Your Grip & Deadlift More Than Larry...

You are only as strong as your grip strength. Improve grip and deadlift with these five workouts. There comes a day in every lifter's life...

Why the Smith Machine Is Better Than Barbells For the Front...

Smith machine front squats isolate your quads better than the free weight alternative.  Everyone knows free weights are better, right? The age-old question between free...

Single Arm Shoulder Press Exercise Guide: How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

The single arm shoulder press corrects arm imbalances and activates your core.  Having strong shoulders has many benefits in daily tasks involving lifting and carrying....

The Killer Abs Circuit for a Shredded Six Pack

Crush your abs with this circuit Are you tired of endless crunches and sit-ups, putting in extreme effort trying to get a six pack, with...

Squat Calf Raises Exercise Guide: How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

Squat calf raises are an effective way to break your calf growth plateau.  The calves are one of the most difficult muscles to build with...

Kneeling Landmine Press Exercise Guide: How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

The kneeling variation of the landmine press activates your shoulder muscles more since it takes your legs out of the equation.  Presses are a resistance...