Training gone wrong.
Frances Abbott, 26, is the middle daughter of former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. She is a bikini competitor in Australia. Her husband, Sam Lock, age 34, is also a former Olympic rower and bodybuilder.
He recently took to Instagram to discuss an incapacitating injury he sustained during preparation for a powerlifting competition.
His post caption reads:
“Dizzying highs and terrifying lows. Last Thursday I squatted a lifetime PB of 260kg and about an hour later I hurt my back doing some relatively moderate deadlifting. So, instead of final preparations for a powerlifting comp in 2 weeks I will instead be rehabbing.”
This development is obviously frustrating, but there were warning signs and what’s happened is ultimately my responsibility.
“Given that I derive a certain sense of self from being strong and having a strong back it’s humbling to be limping about the place and generally moving without confidence. However, this is a learning experience. I will fix myself and come back stronger. Of this I have no doubt.”
Anyone who has dealt with a serious injury can sympathize here. It must be especially hard for a man who was an Olympic athlete to feel incapacitated. However, he expresses two true hallmarks of an elite competitor: 1 Responsibility for what happened, 2 determination that he will overcome the obstacle. We wish him all the best on his road to recovery.
Both he and Frances have amassed large social media followings through their romance which began last year. They both take pride in displaying their fitness habits and achievements through social media, including Frances’s bodybuilding show in late 2017.
Hopefully his followers will soon be able to witness him on his mission of recovery and improvement.
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