This Is How Your Girl Should Train: The “Perfect Booty” Workout

Your very own instagram model.

With social media comes information. And with information comes entertainment, in every form. One of the most popular forms of entertainment have come from instagram models. The social media platform has given us a plethora of strong and able bodies to say the least that can either be used as motivation or…in other ways. But with all that eye candy out there, it’s only natural that your eyes will wander if you find your partner isn’t up to…scratch. Well lament no more.

In the video above Bodybuilding personality and trainer Laid Deleon shows you how to build the “perfect booty”, at home! The workout is convenient is for even the laziest of partners and in just 4 minutes they can slip it in between episodes of Game of Thrones.

Let us know if this improves your partners…”form”, in the comment section below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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