Iree Mateos Is The Definition Of An Alpha Female

Iree Mateos has some insane proportions.

Many lifters out there wish they had a girlfriend that was interested in getting into impeccable shape like they do. As a bodybuilder the endeavor of building more muscle sometimes appears as a solely selfish practice of a narcissistic individual. But just like most people wished they were in better shape, lifters want a partner in crime that can understand the passion they have for becoming the best version of themselves. But finding a woman with that ambition sometimes feels like it’s few and far between. But even when you do find a female lifter passionate about her fitness it’s rare that you find one with the genetics of Iree Mateos.

Having a girlfriend who lifts alleviates a ton of pressure from a lifter. Having a girlfriend like Iree Mateos motivates you to get your ass into the gym. Mateos is a figure competitor who may not be widely known, but certainly has the kind of crazy genetics and potential to one day make a huge splash onto the scene. She obviously works hard and is putting in the required work to make the progress necessary to one day compete at a high level.

We don’t usually talk about female genetics, but Iree Mateos has such an impressive physique it’s hard to simply ignore. You’ve heard of alpha males before I’m sure. There’s no doubt in our minds that Iree Mateos is certainly an alpha female. Take a look at a few of her Instagram postings below to get a sense of just what an alpha female looks like.

And though she’s certainly beautiful, she also matches that beauty with a pretty insane shape.

What’s your thoughts on Iree Mateos?

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