Generation Iron Best Tasting Protein Supplement

You Won’t Believe It’s Protein!

Tastes SOOOOO Good!!

The all NEW MyoBlend™ tastes so good, you won’t believe it’s really protein!

Artfully flavored by the World’s most renowned flavoring experts, MyoBlend™ is the most delicious 8-hour protein blend on the market today.

With MyoBlend™, you get 27 grams of fast, medium, and slow releasing protein in every scoop. And it’s easy to mix, simple to digest, low in fat, even lower in sugar, and gluten-free too, making MyoBlend™ everything you could ever wish for in a protein…and so much more! ?


Blended Builds Better!

To build muscle all day, you need a protein that can stay with you all day.

MyoBlend™ contains the perfect mix of fast, medium, and slow digesting proteins. And unlike using whey protein alone, which can leave your muscles high and dry after 2-3 hours, MyoBlend™ will stay with you all day. For up to 8 hours, in fact!

Plus, each serving is packed with 6.2 grams of BCAAs and a combined 3.5 grams of L-Glutamine and Glutamine precursors to help improve your performance AND recovery. ?

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MyoBlend can be used in the morning, post-workout, between meals and before bed.

The beauty of MyoBlend™ is you can use it whenever you need it. For that quick hit of muscle building aminos you need in the morning and after your workouts, MyoBlend™ contains ultra-pure whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate.

Milk protein concentrate and isolate are included too, which help promote muscle growth longer during your day. And our long-lasting, premium micellar casein protein makes MyoBlend™ a great protein to use at night, or anytime you’re on-the-go. ?


Unbelievably AWESOME  Taste!

Tastes so good you won’t believe it’s protein!

We’re sure you’ve tasted some great proteins, but MyoBlend™ is on a whole other level! Its flavor and consistency you will not expect, giving your favorite sweet treats and summertime milkshakes a run for their money. And you’ll be happy to know we’ve done it without using any nasty corn syrup solids, aspartame, or added carbs and fats. ?


Absolutely ZERO Banned Substances

Every bottle of  MyoBlend™ is manufactured in a cGMP, NSF certified, and FDA approved facility.

When you choose MyoBlend™, you’re not just choosing the best tasting, highest quality protein. You’re choosing a protein you can trust; one that is manufactured under the safest manufacturing conditions and guaranteed free from all banned and adulterated substances.


Digests SUPER Easy!

MyoBlend™ contains a powerful digestive enzyme to help improve protein digestion.

Protein shakes can sometimes wreak havoc on your digestive system. But not MyoBlend™. With MyoBlend™, you get 25 mg of Elite Zyme™ Protease in every scoop. This simple addition will help your body properly digest the protein you consume and support improved nitrogen balance. No gas. No bloating. And no stomach discomfort. ?


Try it TODAY!

If you don’t believe MyoBlend™ is the best protein you’ve ever used, we’ll refund your money*. Because we guarantee you won’t believe you’re drinking a protein shake. There’s simply nothing else like it today.

* Less Shipping and Handling.

? These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Click on over to page 2 to get all your questions answered about this ELITE protein supplement!

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