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BIG EATS: Bodybuilding Diet Tips To Live By

generation iron

These go to rules are essential to packing on muscle.

When it comes to getting huge and packing on the muscle, it’s all about the diet as much as the training. It takes more than just lifting heavy to get into the kind of shape you see bodybuilders transform into. It requires a dedication and will unlike anything else. Sacrifice is the name of the game where bulking is considered and the same can be said when cutting weight as well.

A bodybuilder on a bulk can simply shove whatever they want into their mouths. Macro nutrition needs to be taken into account. Too much fat, a moderate amount of protein, and low carbs could end up turning you into a mass of jelly rather than the muscle bound monster you’re striving to be. So if you intend on either bulking up to become a mountain of muscle or cut down to be as lean and shredded as possible then here are a few things you should consider.

Eat Frequency

Generation Iron Bodybuilder food

Like we said before, if you want to get big you need to eat big. Now that doesn’t mean stuff your face with everything you can in one sitting. Hell, it doesn’t even mean you should have three square meals a day. Preparation is key to making gains and by prepping your meals ahead of time you’ll be ahead of the curve. It’s ideal to eat four to six small to moderate meals.


Generation Iron Occlusion Training

Generation Iron Occlusion Training

Pump more blood.

Training is essential in order to build muscle. No one can sit on their ass all day and expect to see their muscles grow. There’s a reason that no pain, no gain is a saying to live by. Muscles don’t just grow from moderate work. If you want to see some serious gains then that means you better be prepared to thrash your muscles to spark that growth. Training is the ultimate key to allowing your body to transform from average to shredded and swole.

The thing is about most training methods is that they’re boring. No matter how you cut it, training isn’t really all that exciting and in reality it doesn’t have to be. The sole purpose of hard training is to reap the rewards and get your muscles growing. But having the same training regimen can be really tiresome. You have to add some spice to the dish if you want to have a tasty and memorable meal. The same can be said for bodybuilding training.


Changing up the routine isn’t enough. Sometimes certain additions are needed to give a bodybuilder a different way of approaching the game. One such addition that can work wonders is occlusion training. It is one of the more scientific approaches to training out there, yet the process is fairly simple. With occlusion training, there’s the high possibility that you’ll be able to pump blood into your muscles faster, causing hypertrophy to occur much more rapidly. By applying tight straps above or below the muscle group you wish to train, you can trap blood in the area being worked.

Sounds a bit like broscience, but apparently the method has some major supporters who know a thing or two about the science of building muscle. Take a look and listen to Dr. Layne Norton as he explains the great overall benefits of occlusion training.


Would you ever do occlusion training? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron Jimmy Superfly Snuka murder

Generation Iron Jimmy Superfly Snuka murder

Could this be the final pinfall…

Nicknamed “Superfly,” the Fiji native and WWE superstar Jimmy Snuka was known by his fans for his high flying theatrics. In a career that spanned four decades he has jumped off of everything from tables, ladders and chairs, to steel cages. Unfortunately as of Tuesday night that name may live in infamy – Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka was arrested for the murder of his then 23 year old girlfriend, Nancy Argentino.

Snuka, 72, was picked up in Allentown, PA and charged Tuesday with third-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter in the death of his mistress more than three decades ago. He later posted a $100,000 bail. Snuka was given the exception of posting bail in a homicide case because he surrendered his passport and is not considered a flight risk.

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According to reports paramedics arrived at the motel and found Snuka, a police officer and two wrestlers at the scene. Argentino was unconscious, barely breathing and her dilated pupils and rapid heart rate indicated she had a head injury and was likely in shock. Argentino eventually succumbed to her injuries and was pronounced dead at Lehigh Valley hospital the next day.

An autopsy report determined she died of traumatic brain injuries and had suffered 39 cuts and bruises — a possible sign of “mate abuse” — on her head, ear, chin, arms, hands, back, buttocks, legs and feet. It also concluded that her bruises were consistent with being hit with a stationary object and the case should be ruled as a homicide until further evidence could prove otherwise.

The grand jury’s report said Snuka had provided conflicting accounts of Argentino’s injuries, at first admitting to paramedics he hit her during an argument and, then claiming to police she slipped and fell during a bathroom break on their way to the hotel. The case was reopened after The Morning Call released a never before seen autopsy which left questions about the case.

Snuka, who is recovering from stomach cancer surgery, proclaims his innocence. If found guilty could he could face the maximum of 20-40 years in jail.



Generation Iron Andrey Malanichev Raw Squat Record

Generation Iron Andrey Malanichev Raw Squat Record

The lift of lifts.

What drives a man to achieve eternal greatness? Is it for fame, glory, respect? Perhaps to impress the masses? Whatever the reason, professional athletes are always looking to take things to the next level and why not? It’s what draws people in as fans in the first place isn’t it, to see the impossible become a reality. It’s the reason why we’re blown away when a man can break a deadlift record or when a bodybuilder can compete on stage at well over 300 lbs. Spectacle drives attention, attention spreads awareness and through that you earn the respect of the masses.

The drive and determination to be remembered as one of the greats is perhaps the one thing that sets normal competitors apart from their fellow athletes. It’s what makes champions and likely was the formula that allowed Andrey Malanichev to break another world record. The Russian powerlifter is a true master at what he does and has already shattered world records in the past for the king of all lifts, the squat. This past weekend at the Boss of Bosses II event in California, the behemoth shocked the powerlifting world once again.


After setting the record with a 1,014 lbs lift, Malanichev would go on to destroy his prior personal best with an astounding 1,036 lbs raw squat. These days it seems that if you’re not breaking world records then you’re simply not working hard enough. Take a look at the wild video below, courtesy of OmarIsuf, of the Russian beast Malanichev further cementing himself as one of the greatest powerlifters to ever compete in the sport.

Are you impressed with Andrey Malanichev’s record breaking squat? Seen anything more impressive? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron CT Fletcher Message

No stone left unturned.

We’re less than a month from the release of CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession and we’re not the only ones getting excited to reveal it to the world. CT Fletcher himself cannot contain his excitement. For the first time ever caught on film, CT Fletcher reveals his entire self. The man behind the motivation and the massive lifts. The man behind ISYMFS and “I Command You To Grow” rants. The live or die past that made him a powerlifting favorite that we all know and love.

CT just can’t hold it all in, which is why he’s put together another message for the fans out there on what to expect when My Magnificent Obsession becomes available on September 18th. Get pumped, get motivated, and get ready for the ultimate story of CT Fletcher – available for pre order RIGHT NOW. Get it at a special discounted price for preorders only by using code CTFILM. Available right here.

CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession – Official Trailer


Generation Iron East Coast Mecca Finale

It’s time for the big show.

Last week we saw Bev and Steve preparing for their big NPC East Coast Championship competition. Today you get to see the fruit of their labor. In the final episode of East Coast Mecca – we’re giving you all access to the entire bodybuilding event. The front of the stage, behind the stage, and everywhere in between. It’s been a wild ride looking deep into the lifestyle of East Coast Mecca and there’s no better way to top it all off than the buzz and excitement of a NPC show. So what are you waiting around for? Watch the final episode in the video above!

Let us know what you thought about the entire East Coast Mecca series in our official GI Forums and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates on tons of brand new upcoming shows in the future. Stay pumped.

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Generation Iron Synthol Freaks

Generation Iron Synthol Freaks

Let the synthol users march in.

These days everyone is looking to improve themselves. No one wants to be the guy that’s considered normal or average. So many people out there are looking to achieve a physique that can’t be matched and in many ways there’s nothing wrong with that. Self improvement can be a great thing. Even training to improve ones physical form has its spiritual and mental benefits. You gain confidence, learn how to manage your nutrition to make better diet choices, and can even help improve those around you with the knowledge you’ve gained.

But not everyone is the same. Some people are just lazy and there’s no getting around that. A lot of people want to improve themselves, but not so many want to put the hard work in to make that happen. If gaining muscle or losing fat was that easy then everyone would be in tremendous shape. Unfortunately for the lazy ones out there, things aren’t so simple. There’s no magic pill or fast track way to getting in shape. Or least that’s what most normal people understand.

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Some people can’t beat their laziness however and choose the quick and easy route. It’s undoubtedly the mentality of your run of the mill synthol user. Synthol freaks have all the desire to get big but none of the work ethic that’s required. They rather just pump their bodies with junk and let the chips fall where they may. In the end they’re only hurting themselves, but we’re the people that have to suffer through looking at these lazy monsters.

If you were ever wondering if synthol is for you (and why the hell would you) then take a good look at these 5 synthol offenders that are sure to change your mind. And just to clear confusion – the video might say “7 Crazy Synthol Fails” but there’s actually only five.

What’s your thoughts on synthol? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

8 Ways To Know If Your Gym Sucks

Generation Iron Your Gym Sucks

“I lift things up and put them down.”

With so many Gyms out there it’s hard to choose the right one. And unfortunately for you there’s no simple solution, each gym like each person has it’s own unique personality and at the end of the day you might only be able to work with what’s in your area. However, gyms like most people, have certain characteristics that bind it together. Things like getting jacked, staying shredded, and gaining greater levels of fitness, all in a controlled environment. When a gym meets this requirement we give grades such as good or excellent. When they don’t meet these requirements we give them grades like unsatisfactory, poor, or needs improvement.

So how do you know if your gym just plain sucks? We have 10 ways to find out:

It has more lounge furniture than your living room.

Generation Iron Barton Gym

I’m looking at you Barton Gym. If you have to side step a lay-z-boy in between your set at the lat machine and your dead lift then chances are this isn’t the gym for serious lifters. Mood lighting is nice and all and It’s easy to appreciate expensive lamp shades but it would be nice to actually… workout at the gym.


Generation Iron Squats on Segway

Generation Iron Squats on Segway

An insane squatting stunt.

The journey towards crafting a body that you’re satisfied with is truly an uphill battle. Besides having to work on your physique with a ton of different exercises and workout plans, you have to be sure to have a diet that will enhance everything as well. You want to shed fat and show off the hard earned muscle? Then you’ll have to keep at it for the long haul in order to see the gains you seek.

Bradley Martyn is an internet personality and online trainer with the drive and know how to help individuals obtain their desired physique in no time. His training program is both inspiring and in depth and can surely transform any dedicated enthusiasts body with some hard work and dedication. Martyn himself has trained for many years to obtain an aesthetic form to be proud of. He’s maintained a strict diet to keep himself lean and a training program to keep his muscles pumped. Which begs the question: what do you do once you’ve finally attained the body you desire?


For many people it’s a question that they often ask themselves after they’ve reached the end of their body recomposition. Besides being in some great shape, pushing the envelope is another way to test yourself physically and mentally. From what it looks like, it seems that Martyn pretty much agrees. The internet fitness personality proved just how talented, or crazy, he is with a recent stunt he pulled online – doing a 315 lbs squat on a segway. When you get to the end of road of building an aesthetic physique you have to shale things up a bit or risk facing some serious boredom.

Check out what Martyn does in his spare time when he isn’t helping his clients build themselves into aesthetic beasts.

What do you think of Martyn’s stunt? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron CT Fletcher Pre Order

Generation Iron CT Fletcher Pre Order

“Don’t worry Mr. Fletcher… you’ll get used to it.”

The wait is finally over… well, sort of. The official trailer for CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession has been released. No more teases or glimpses – this is your first all access look into what this film is really going to look like. And not only that – you can finally PRE ORDER My Magnificent Obsession right now for a special discounted price. Anyone who pre orders will get $5 off their purchase – just use the promo code CTFILM and get your digital copy of My Magnificent Obsession for ONLY $9.99. Simply click on the button in the the trailer or the banner below.

CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession will be available WORLD WIDE exclusively on Vimeo On Demand September 18th, 2015. It’s still your mutha f#*kin’ set so don’t miss out on this exclusive offer. Get ready for the story of the most bad ass lifter in the world today!



Generation Iron CT Fletcher Pre Order

The creators of ‘Generation Iron’ bring you the untold story of six-time world champion power lifter, and ‘baddest muthaf#*ka’ of all time, CT Fletcher.

Deemed one of the most influential and motivated fitness trainers, CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession explores the pain, struggle, and hardships that he has endured throughout his life. Leaving an abusive childhood home, the film dives further into Fletcher’s personal and professional life – demonstrating the power motivation can have on the human spirit.

Featuring appearances from Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bill Goldberg, and Kevin “Da Hulk” Washington, Fletcher’s life shows us how to push through our obstacles to achieve dreams of greatness.